Posts from — December 2006
AAA-Logo Software – Review
UPDATE: Today is Wednesday, January 31, 2007. I did hear back from AAA-logo within a few hours after writing here and sending them the link to the Blog entry. The answer was quick and to the point, NEVER addressing their lack of Customer Service/Contact to my previous questions. I had one last question… which was more than legitimate and once again I have not heard back.
UPDATE: Today is Saturday, January 27, 2007. To date I have NEVER heard back from AAA-Logo in response to my many requests. I am trying again right now.
UPDATE:  Today is Friday, January 5, 2007 and I have NEVER heard back from AAA-Logo Software. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! Thank God I NEVER gave them my money!
I am in desperate need of a logo. So I went web surfing and came up with AAA-Logo Software. What a find, I misguidedly thought! Downloaded the AAA-Logo Software and played around for an hour or so. I got really excited until I could not find a way to “kern” specific text characters like:  Wa, Va, Ta, etc.
I thought, no problem, I will write and ask if I am missing something and how it can be done. I went to the help page and could not find anything so zipped off a message from their support page.  The page said they respond within 48 hours. I thought that was a bit long, but what the heck… It seemed like what I wanted/needed and would WAIT… AND WAIT… AND WAIT… AND WAIT… I am STILL waiting, about 10 days later.
I wrote three different times, to three different departments as well as to tech support again… but NO ONE responded. I am so glad I did not give them my money, but in all honesty, I would have purchased the program had it had a way to kern the text characters and would never have known that this company DOES NOT respond to its customers or prospective customers. What a disappointment! The software really looked great! I had a lot of fun playing with it and thought I truly hit on something!
NOTE FROM ROZ: I am still hoping that I hear back from them as the AAA-Logo Software website looks really professional and the program was out of sight in my opinion. I find this entire episode peculiar to say the least. Had they had a USA phone number I would have tried to call, but I could not find an address or phone number at all. Should I ever hear back from them I will post and update.Â
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /

December 28, 2006 Comments Off on AAA-Logo Software – Review
Free Hanukkah eCards – Let’s Get Acquainted Says… Say It With eCards
Say It With eCards, the former Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings Club, owned and operated by Bronx, NYC designer Roz Fruchtman says…
“Let’s get acquainted…Â Try us out… Send some of our Free Hanukkah eCards:”
Roz says… “Everyone, including me… likes to ‘try before they buy!’ ”
“What better way to do this than to send some of our specialized Hanukkah eCards. You will NOT find these Hanukkah eGreetings on any other e-Card site on the web.”Â
This past Thanksgiving I received “at the least” six of the SAME Thanksgiving Day eCards. The first time is was fun and unique, but watching the SAME automated eCard six or more times “to get to the message at the end” was a bit trying.
Roz says… “Don’t get me wrong, the fact that the sender’s thought of me in the fist place ‘was not’ lost on me. I felt more than a little grateful and appreciated, but my point here is to say that ‘variety is the spice of life’ … EVEN WITH Hanukkah eCards!”
Take advantage… Come on over and give Say It With eCards a try…
The FREE Hanukkah cards can be easily found in the NEW section “FREE eCards, Try Before You Buy.”
Chag Hanukkah Sameach to all!
P.S. Hanukkah lasts for eight (8) days.  It is NOT too late to send!  Tonight, Friday, December 15, 2006 is erev Hanukkah! (The eve of Hanukkah!)
Enjoy and Peace to All!
Questions, comments, suggestions, or even complaints. I am “always” glad to hear them all. I can’t fix or improve what I am not aware of!
Send an email to: Roz @ (Please remove the spaces on each side of the @ sign.Â
Posted by Roz Fruchtman / Blog Views By Roz

December 15, 2006 Comments Off on Free Hanukkah eCards – Let’s Get Acquainted Says… Say It With eCards
Free Hanukkah eCards – 2 Free From Say It With eCards
Although Say It With eCards is a fee-based eCard Club, in order to “give back” and allow others to try the service (try before you buy) I put up two free “obligation free” Hanukkah eCards.
Check it out:
Say It With eCards
The two free Hanukkah e-cards are clearly tagged with a “red” FREE icon. IF you do not see them or do not see them together “refresh” the page as the images change when you do.
The two free Hanukkah eCards are fully functional except for the member features which would allow you to save your email addresses in a personal addressbook for future use. As well you will not be able to see when they are picked up or save the card(s) in your favorites for future dates. Another feature that is not available on the free end is you cannot send in advance. For example: IF you want to get your Hanukkah eCards ready today and want them sent on Friday night or Saturday – in time for the holiday - you CANNOT do that on the free end. That IS a Say It With eCards “Member Benefit!”Â
Questions: Contact roz @ (please remove the spaces around the @ sign)
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /

December 13, 2006 Comments Off on Free Hanukkah eCards – 2 Free From Say It With eCards
Interfaith eCards From Say It With eCards
Say It With eCards does it again… with more than 100 Hanukkah eCards offered at Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings Club website…
Approxiatmely 75 Interfaith eCards have been uploaded to the Say It With eCards member area. These Interfaith eCards target blended families celebrating both Christmas and Hanukkah.
The Interfaith eCards have been designed in three basic flavors:
Roz Fruchtman, Bronx, NY Digital Artist explains “Why These eCards Were Designed.”
Times have changed, the family structure has changed, and with the Internet, the world has changed. With this said, I will begin…
Through the years I have been asked to design holiday eCards for families of mixed denominations or cultures. Now-a-days the politically correct phrase would be for “blended families!”
Roz says, “Although I thought this a fabulous idea… I struggled with the decision of how to do so without offending those visiting or having memberships at:
Say It With eCards /
my Judaic eCards Club’s website.”
Last year I decided to give it a whirl. I had a blast designing and created what I hope would be tastefully designed eCards for those celebrating combined Judaic and Christian holidays.
The cards can be found at the Say It With eCards website in the categories listed below:
- Category: Interfaith eCards/December Holidays – Black and White Collection
- Category: Interfaith eCards/December Holidays – General/Traditional Collection
- Category: Interfaith eCards/December Holidays – Patriotic/Support The Troops
Enjoy and Happy Holidays To All!
Comments, questions, suggestions, complaints, contact Roz Fruchtman at:
roz @ (Please remove the spaces around the @ (at sign)
Posted by Roz Fruchtman / Blog Views By Roz

December 11, 2006 Comments Off on Interfaith eCards From Say It With eCards