Roz Review: 100 Ways To Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer
(Original Review Written December 23, 2008)
Subhead: Joyce Meyer’s New Book, “100 Ways to Simplify Your Life,” is the book of the year in my opinion. This book will become the Bible of Everyday Living.
“100 Ways to Simplify Your Life” by Joyce Meyer has to be Joyce’s best book yet! Or… the timing of its release makes it her best book yet! Either way, I would recommend this book to everyone, no matter if they are Christian or not.
Joyce share “common rules” for everyday living. No matter what our religion or ethnicity, we are all the same in many respects!
I keep this book by my bed and before I go to sleep, I play a little game with myself. I open it to a random page and tell myself “this is the page God thinks I need to read today!”
!00 Ways to Simplify Your Life is just that. Joyce lists 100 ways to simplify your life – nothing more, nothing less.
How to use this book.
Actually, you do not have to start from the beginning. You can open the book to any page and start there, or you can check out the “Table of Contents” and select the challenges you would like to read about.
The book is written in a “simple” consistent format!
Each section starts off with a quote by a person – some are anonymous – but all meaningful. One of my favorite quotes is listed with “Tip 44 – Pray About Everything.” The quote is: “Pray, and let God worry!” ~ Martin Luther. What a concept!
Next, there is a quote, psalm or proverb from the Bible.  What a great way to learn them, one by one!
Lastly, Joyce shares the solution or tip to the specific challenge you are reading about.
YOU REALLY do have to get this book. BUY IT for EVERYONE you know! You will be glad you did and they will be glad you did! The peace of mind this book shares is priceless!
I can’t say enough about 100 Way To Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer!
COMPLAINT… The “ONLY” complaint I have is… the book is “NOT long enough.” There are so many challenges in life that Joyce could have written 200 Ways to Simplify Your Life and it still would have been great.
I would suggest that Joyce write a sequel, perhaps call it: 100 “Additional” Ways to Simplify Your Life. It would be a best seller!
This book is so well timed with our country’s current challenges.
“I LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT! You will too!”
I have both the CD version and the paper version. I would suggest them both, but I would definitely suggest the paper version so you can highlight those passages you want to find quickly.
100 Ways to Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer
Written and Reviewed by Roz Fruchtman

I’m going to have to check that out. A personal tune-up is not such a bad thing and an opportunity to learn to simplify my life– what’s bad? Nada.
Hi Katie:
This book is one of Joyce’s best – ONLY BECAUSE – it can be used day-to-day or as a challenge arises.
Hope you enjoy it! Let me know!