Category — Adobe Photoshop
Scott Kelby Makes The Cover of USA Today
Check it out… Scott Kelby, Photoshop Guru and President of NAPP / National Association of Photoshop Professionals was on the FRONT page of USA Today last week. (5/8/2007)
Here is the comment I left:Â (I meant it all!)
Roz_Fruchtman wrote: 2d 2h ago
About 7-8 years ago I discovered I had a flair for digital design. I started with Paint Shop Pro like most on the web. Found out quickly that Photoshop was the industry standard. Thought it would be a breeze. WRONG!!!
I thought it would take forever or never to learn all the cool stuff people did with Photoshop. WRONG!!!
In ONE DAY with Scott Kelby I learned that “I could learn quickly and that it was all a few clicks away!” IF I could bottle the feeling I had when I left the Jacob Javits Convention Center that day, I would make millions.
It was what Dr. Phil would say “A Defining Moment!” I am a dedicated NAPP Member and in my book: “If Scott Kelby does it, it has to be good!” (sight unseen). I already have my ticket to the June, 2007 Photoshop Seminar Tour in NYC. IF Scott will be there, so will I! Scott Kelby makes a long and tedious day of learning, fun with his humor and Photoshop expertise.
Roz Fruchtman
Say It With eCards /

May 15, 2007 Comments Off on Scott Kelby Makes The Cover of USA Today
NAPP – Bert Monroy – NYC – Photoshop Seminar Tour – October 4, 2006
NAPP, The National Association of Photoshop Professionals is having a Tour in NYC on October 4, 2006. Bert Monroy will be presenting. I saw him last time he was here, he was phenomenal. Don’t miss it. Please read on…Â
Adobe Photoshop Seminar Tours presents:
Photoshop CS2 Creativity Tour with Bert Monroy
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Jacob Javits Convention Center, NY
Room: 1A 6-14
$99 USD ($79 NAPP members)
At long last, you can spend a day with the photo realist genius of our times, Bert Monroy. While you may not be able to draw like Bert does, in this seminar you’ll be able to learn the techniques he’s developed over the years
to create realistic images that boggle the imagination.At long last, you can spend a day with the photo realist genius of our times, Bert Monroy. While you may not be able to draw like Bert does, in this seminar you’ll be able to learn the techniques he’s developed over the yearsto create realistic images that boggle the imagination.It’s the perfect seminar for Photoshop users, photographers and illustrators alike! Different from any seminar offered before, Bert will show you features that are underused and even overlooked by most people, yet powerful enough to make any imagined effect a reality.
At long last, you can spend a day with the photo realist genius of our times, Bert Monroy. While you may not be able to draw like Bert does, in this seminar you’ll be able to learn the techniques he’s developed over the yearsto create realistic images that boggle the imagination.It’s the perfect seminar for Photoshop users, photographers and illustrators alike! Different from any seminar offered before, Bert will show you features that are underused and even overlooked by most people, yet powerful enough to make any imagined effect a reality.
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /

September 18, 2006 Comments Off on NAPP – Bert Monroy – NYC – Photoshop Seminar Tour – October 4, 2006
NAPP: Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland – NYC
NAPP: Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland – NYC
Once again the NAPP Photoshop Seminar Tour is coming to NYC.
These tours are recommended for anyone involved with Adobe Photoshop, remotely involed with Adobe Photoshop or “even thinking of becoming involved with Adobe Photoshop.†It is not only an extensive day of learning, but CAN BE an eye opener. My very first seminar tour (with Scott Kelby) in 2001 was what Dr. Phil would call a “definitely moment†for me.
When: Monday, April 3, 2006
Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland

March 20, 2006 Comments Off on NAPP: Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland – NYC