Category — Roz Says
Spam, Spam Go Away – WordPress 2.8 Upgrade Brings Lots of Spam
What’s the deal with this?
Since I upgraded this Blog on Wednesday… from WordPress 2.3.1 to WordPress 2.8 , I’ve been inundated with tons of spam!Â
I read a tip on the website to move the Askimet.php file into the root directory of the plugins folder. Not sure if this will work, but I gave it a try. Seems harmless enough and might actually help!
I’ll report back as soon as I see a difference in spam alerts!
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /

June 18, 2009 Comments Off on Spam, Spam Go Away – WordPress 2.8 Upgrade Brings Lots of Spam
Colors, colors… how and where to find just the right colors
Pardon me for being away so long. At the end of April 2006, the retina in my right eye detached and that brought on a whole new chain of events. We’ll keep that for another time, but I will happily report things seem to be going in the right direction and with God’s blessings I am back stronger than ever. Each day I give thanks to be blessed with my eyesight, relatively good health, a good mind and a dream. We don’t realize how precious the things we take for granted are, a scare like I had usualy does the trick, but it should not have to come to that!
Moving on… I am furiously working on upgrading or more accurately converting my current Judaic eCards Club “Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings Club†to a new and improved website.
Say It With Ecards,
Timed to coincide with the upcoming Jewish New Year 5767, September 23, 2006. The site will open with a new name, new look, be feature-rich with member benefits and freebies, plus an abundant amount of artsy, unique and tastefully created Judaic eCards compliments of yours truly – Roz Fruchtman.
You are probably thinking, what does all of this have to do with colors. Well, it has everything to do with colors as I am searching for a new color scheme and it just seems to be eluding me.
In my quest for a color scheme I have come across many color scheme programs, some free and some paid. I will share my findings and opinions with you. Stay tuned…
Posted by Roz Fruchtman / Sunday, August 6, 2006

August 6, 2006 Comments Off on Colors, colors… how and where to find just the right colors
Roz Says: Getting Back to Basics with Get The Edge
Sometimes we really need to stop what we are doing in order feed our minds with some good stuff and rejuvenate. For me that was pulling out my Anthony Robbins “Get The Edge” program. I started to do this on Monday, but got sidetracked Tuesday as we lost electricity, water and phone service. Wednesday I was concerned with my impending afternoon visit to the oral surgeon.
Today/Thursday… I awoke at 5AM feeling pretty disgusted and disappointed in myself for not continuing the program… no matter what. After all, I could have listened with my Diskman which runs on batteries. Anyway… I started the program “all over again” and did two days in one. By the end of the day I worked through the two assignments given at the end of the second CD. What an accomplishment! I am my toughest critic, but even I have to give myself credit for not just throwing my hands up in defeat! IF I learned nothing else from Tony, I learned to NOT give up! Each moment is a new opportunity!

March 23, 2006 Comments Off on Roz Says: Getting Back to Basics with Get The Edge
Roz Says: Thank You, The Two Most Forgotten Words
This has been a sore point with me from the time I entered the Internet. It amazes me why people write to you, ask questions, expect answers, but do not expect to say thank you.
My friends tell me I am too sensitive and expect too much. They say: “people are people,” just move on and forget it! But it happens often enough, it is hard to forget in my opinion.
I always try to remember to thank people because I realize that “nothing is coming to us in this life,” and when people go out of their way to give of themselves, even by answering a question, they should be caring enough to say thank you! I was going to say smart enough, but smarts having absolutely nothing to do with this. It’s a caring issue!

March 22, 2006 Comments Off on Roz Says: Thank You, The Two Most Forgotten Words
Roz Says: It’s 4:34AM – Why am I still blogging?
Persistence is not all it’s cracked up to be! Sometimes it is good, but there are those times when it is not so good! Now is one of those times! However…
I feel I need to say something, although at this moment I am more than a little wiped out and bewildered with all this setup stuff. You would think, you have one Blog set up the way you want it, and all you would have to do is copy the files over to the other Blog(s) and tweak a few things! Right? WRONG!!!

March 10, 2006 Comments Off on Roz Says: It’s 4:34AM – Why am I still blogging?