Category — Eric Lofholm
How to Profit in Tough Times by Eric Lofholm
Personal Testimonial:
Eric Lofholm is a master sales trainer. I have been enrolled in Eric’s Sales Protege program for quite a few years and have come to respect Eric. He is one of the good guys. He literally cares about his clients and is a genuinely good person.
Eric is giving a FREE Teleseminar on…
How to Profit in Tough Times
Dear Roz,
As you know times are tough right now. Are you in fear, worry, or panic?
Is your mind in scarcity mode?
Are you wondering what to do to produce results?
Do you have a team of people that are off track right now?
If you have answered yes to any of these question read the rest of this email.
First take a deep breath and be calm.
Your success requires a different level of thinking.
The answers you need will require a different way of thinking.
You can survive this…you can even thrive.
With the right approach you can dominate in this market place!
My star client, Eric Edelman is having his best real estate year
Kenrick Trapp sells cars. He is dominating right now.
Would you like to learn what they are doing?
I have 3 ways to get you (and your team) the information.
1. I have trainers in San Diego, Orange County, and
Sacrameto that can come and give a talk titled How to Profit in
Tough Times at no charge at one of your upcoming meetings. To
request a trainer or get more details email me at or call my office at (916) 435-0416.
2. I can deliver a conference call to your team titled How
to Profit in Tough Times. I speak to groups of 6 or more. There
is no charge for the conference call. I can do 4 conference
calls in September and 8 in October. To check on my availability
email me at or call my office at (916) 435-0416.
FREE CALL – Info below
3. Join me on a conference call on Thursday, September 25 at
5:00 pm pacific. The title of the conference call is How to
Profit in Tough Times.
The conference number to use is (712)-432-0404.
The participant code is 7129337#. (This call is not being recorded)
4. Join me at one of my upcoming seminars in San Diego or
San Francisco in October or November. There is no charge for
these seminars. In these seminars I will be sharing ideas on how
to profit in tough times.
To view available dates go to
Eric Lofholm
Ps. Please share this email with others.
Eric Lofholm
Eric Lofholm International, Inc.
(916)-435-0416 (phone)
9083 Foothillls Blvd #390
Roseville, CA 95747 USA
From Roz: In closing… You really MUST attend this FREE teleseminar. It will NOT be recorded so it is a one-time deal. With the headlines screaming doom and gloom… come and get some tips, tricks, encouragement and enthusiasm. It’s FREE! What do you have to lose!
See you there!
Warm Regards,

September 24, 2008 Comments Off on How to Profit in Tough Times by Eric Lofholm
Eric Lofholm’s 10-Step Goal Setting Process
Eric Lofholm is a Master Sales Trainer. I have been a student of Eric Sales Protege Program for 2-3 years now. It’s been such fun that I totally lost track to be honest of the amount of time. All I know is, I attend as many of the Thursday Evening Weekly Calls as I can. It is one of the few constant’s in my life and has given me support and encouragement whether I needed it or not.
As we all know… In the scheme of things there are always those who will tell us how we CANNOT DO something. Eric Lofholm is the opposite… Each week he recognizes all of us for attending the call, listening live in-the moment, or listening later via podcast. For me… Eric’s calls have become an essential part of my life.
For me… Two of Eric’s most helpful philosophies are:
1) Stay In The Conversation – to me this one is for consistency and motivation
2) Everything Counts – to me this one concept helps me accomplish huge goals – one baby-step at a time
Last Thursday, May 10, 2007, Eric Lofholm’s Sales Protege Call covered Goal Setting. Eric shared his 10-Step Goal Setting ProcessÂ
In the spirit of the Internet, Giving Back and the Universe… Eric asked us to “pay it forward” and share it with at least THREE (3) People. I said I would do one better… I would share it with the entire Internet by posting it here: (When people help me I am more than happy to let the world know it. Just knowing Eric Lofholm and being a recipient of his expertise, kindness and generosity I have become a better person. It is absolutely true what they say: “WE LEARN BY EXAMPLE!”
NOTE: I believe Eric even said we did not even have to say it came from him. I am doing this because I feel credit should be paid where it is due.
Eric Lofholm’s 10-Step Goal Setting Process
1) Think about what you want and write it down.
2) Decide exactly what you want and write it down.
3) Look at your goal and make sure it is measurable.
4) Identify the reasons why you want your goal and write them down.
5) Decide on exact date you want to accomplish your goal and write it down.
6) Make a list of action steps to accomplish your goal and write it down.
7) Create a plan from your list of action steps and write it down.
8) Take action
9) Do something everyday.
10) View, visualize, and speak your goals daily.
To learn more about Master Sales Trainer Eric Lofholm please visit:
Eric Lofholm International Incorporated /
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /

May 14, 2007 Comments Off on Eric Lofholm’s 10-Step Goal Setting Process
Roz Views: Eric Lofholm – Everything Counts…
I wanted to write this “In-the-moment” when I was feeling the momentum of it.
I have been a participant in Eric Lofholm’s “Sales Protege Program” for over two years now. Eric is a Master Sales Trainer who – for sure – knows his business.
I met Eric on a Shared Vision Network call and was drown to him because he reminded me of Tony Robbins. Little did I know that Eric worked for Tony earlier in his career.
Anyway… Like Tony, Eric shared a concept in one of the Sales Protege – Thursday evening - calls where he said: “Everything Counts!” I had heard Eric say this on all the calls, but this time he told a story about a “tea cup!” The example was so powerful to me that everyday since I can hear him whispering in my ear: “Roz, Everything Counts!” This short statement has made me take action everyday since that call back in December.
Things I would not have done because they seemed so small and insignificant in the scheme of things I am now doing and “one thing builds on another!” So in the end they are not small and insignificant, but huge and eventually monumental. (While you may think: “What’s so great about this? It IS great, because anything that will induce you to take action IS monumental!”)
What I find so powerful about Eric is he does NOT talk at you… like Tony Robbins, he talks to you and makes you feel like YOU CAN do it… so much so… that YOU BELIEVE it as well!
IMPORTANT NOTE FROM ROZ:Â I find I no longer beat myself up for “not doing enough! … After all, EVERYTHING COUNTS!
To learn about Eric Lofholm visit:
Eric Lofholm International at:
Meet Eric at:
Eric Lofholm FREE Products:
     Under FREE in the top menu bar … check out all the goodies! You will be glad you did!
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /

February 1, 2007 Comments Off on Roz Views: Eric Lofholm – Everything Counts…