Eric Lofholm’s 10-Step Goal Setting Process
Eric Lofholm is a Master Sales Trainer. I have been a student of Eric Sales Protege Program for 2-3 years now. It’s been such fun that I totally lost track to be honest of the amount of time. All I know is, I attend as many of the Thursday Evening Weekly Calls as I can. It is one of the few constant’s in my life and has given me support and encouragement whether I needed it or not.
As we all know… In the scheme of things there are always those who will tell us how we CANNOT DO something. Eric Lofholm is the opposite… Each week he recognizes all of us for attending the call, listening live in-the moment, or listening later via podcast. For me… Eric’s calls have become an essential part of my life.
For me… Two of Eric’s most helpful philosophies are:
1) Stay In The Conversation – to me this one is for consistency and motivation
2) Everything Counts – to me this one concept helps me accomplish huge goals – one baby-step at a time
Last Thursday, May 10, 2007, Eric Lofholm’s Sales Protege Call covered Goal Setting. Eric shared his 10-Step Goal Setting ProcessÂ
In the spirit of the Internet, Giving Back and the Universe… Eric asked us to “pay it forward” and share it with at least THREE (3) People. I said I would do one better… I would share it with the entire Internet by posting it here: (When people help me I am more than happy to let the world know it. Just knowing Eric Lofholm and being a recipient of his expertise, kindness and generosity I have become a better person. It is absolutely true what they say: “WE LEARN BY EXAMPLE!”
NOTE: I believe Eric even said we did not even have to say it came from him. I am doing this because I feel credit should be paid where it is due.
Eric Lofholm’s 10-Step Goal Setting Process
1) Think about what you want and write it down.
2) Decide exactly what you want and write it down.
3) Look at your goal and make sure it is measurable.
4) Identify the reasons why you want your goal and write them down.
5) Decide on exact date you want to accomplish your goal and write it down.
6) Make a list of action steps to accomplish your goal and write it down.
7) Create a plan from your list of action steps and write it down.
8) Take action
9) Do something everyday.
10) View, visualize, and speak your goals daily.
To learn more about Master Sales Trainer Eric Lofholm please visit:
Eric Lofholm International Incorporated /
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /