Posts from — March 2006
Roz Says: Dana Reeve… A few words!
I just turned on the TV and caught the headline for the upcoming 12 Noon News Broadcast. Although I did not know Dana Reeve personally, it is not hard to feel the sadness and loss many feel today.Â
Christopher (Chris) and Dana Reeve made a huge impact on the world today and hopefully for many years to come. Chris with his courage and dedication to demonstrate – NOT TO GIVE UP and Dana for her dedication, support and motivation in support of her husand and family.Â
Although both made tremendous contributions to the world, what I take away from this is “to fight for what you want no matter what obstacles may stand in your way,” and “to count your blessings daily!” Obviously most of us do not have the obtacles these two faced so we have much less to really complain about. IF we are relatively healthy, articulate and can walk, talk and be creative we have it all! This goes to show you “money is NOT the end all, or be all!” (I think I will take a few extra monents today to Thank G_d for my blessing!)
Two young and vibrant people… We will miss them both! May they be together, once again… in Heaven!
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /Â

March 7, 2006 Comments Off on Roz Says: Dana Reeve… A few words!
Roz Says: Excuse me… I’m Still Blogkeeping!
Thank you for visiting.
Just a note to let you know I am still converting this Blog from the MovableType version.  I suppose we can say: “I am still Blogkeeping!”
The old can be found here:
To come directly to this one – which will be the permanent home of
Sometimes I wonder if others have as much trouble getting settled in as I do. I am always looking for a better way, I think I need to work on this. At some point we have to be satisfied… if not just for a little while!
Have a good day!
Roz Fruchtman /

March 6, 2006 Comments Off on Roz Says: Excuse me… I’m Still Blogkeeping!
REVIEW: Plaid Lite – Magic or Art
You gotta love this… Instant Plaids!
A while back I got the bright idea to create a collection of digital designs with Plaid as the theme. The problem was, I was clueless as to how to make this happen.
After a bit of research and help from colleagues I was off and running to explore the list of websites I had been presented with.
The very first website I visited and the one I kept coming back to was:
Plaid Lite – by NameSuppressed Design
“Plaid Lite” has the flexiblity and good sense to allow one to create their own unique plaid patterns using almost any image that is inserted into the filter. The results are phenominal and limited only by ones own imagination and/or images used.
From the website Plaid Lite’s features include:

March 5, 2006 Comments Off on REVIEW: Plaid Lite – Magic or Art
Joel & Victoria Osteen: Daily and Weekly e-Votionals
Personal testimonial: I have learned, firsthand, that being spiritual and grateful makes life a whole lot happier and joyful — even in times of trauma and unpleasantness. This revelation came to me almost three years ago when I first went through the Anthony Robbins “Get The Edge” program. One thing that changed my life forever was to become grateful for all of life’s blessings — no matter how big or small. As strange as this may seem, I have learned to take away something good from everything that happens — good or bad. Sometimes it takes a while to find good in something bad, and sometimes there is “no way” to find good in bad!
For example: During the trauma of 911 I realized the fact that I use my artistic creativity to demonstrate my deep emotions and compassion for others. This WAS a VERY GOOD thing and something I embrace daily!

March 3, 2006 Comments Off on Joel & Victoria Osteen: Daily and Weekly e-Votionals
Eclectic Academy: New Session, Teacher and Classes
Review: Eclectic Academy is an online teaching facility offering over 100 on-line classes during six yearly semesters.  The semesters last 6 weeks and cost a total of $20.
The classes are taught by live teachers who are available to evaluate your work and answer questions. You can follow along with the classes or do them at your own convenience – all from the comfort and safety of your home or office or wherever you have access to a computer.
Lessons are made available each weekend and can be downloaded by the students in a variety of formats ranging from: HTML and/or PDF.
Eclectic Academy Announcement:Â MARCH 2006 Semester starts Sunday March 12, 2006
We’re happy to announce four ( 4 ) new classes for the March 12, semester.

March 2, 2006 Comments Off on Eclectic Academy: New Session, Teacher and Classes