Category — Joyce Meyer
Roz Reviews: The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow – Joyce Meyer
(Original Review: December 23, 2008 – Re-Posted November 1, 2018)
Roz Fruchtman Reviews Joyce Meyer’s Book…Â The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow
Before I start, I will say… DO NOT WALK… DO NOT PASS GO… RUN to your nearest bookstore, or CLICK the LINK BELOW to order Joyce Meyer’s Book: “The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow.” I love Joyce, but she surely out did herself with this one!
I originally did this review 10 years ago. If that is the case, WHY God WHY… did it take me this long to finally learn? ;)
As soon as I leave the computer, I am going to look for my copies (Audio & Paper) to read again ~NOW that I’ve grown up, a bit more! ;)
The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow
I do review, but… not as much as I used to, since I decided to concentrate on my own digital designs and online eCard Club “Say It With eCards.” Now-a-days… I only review a product or service that catches my eye, or is a product or service I use or have knowledge of, or interest in – good or bad. My mission is to share and inform others of what is good, what is bad and what is questionable — via my own opinion and/or experience. This said:
I felt really honored and truly blessed when I was approached to review the new book by Joyce Meyer. Honestly I could not believe my eyes when I read the email. Initially, I thought it was spam, until I re-read it and did a bit of online sleuthing.
I say blessed, because this opportunity came to me when I was dealing with some of my own issues. It made me think of “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction. What you put out, you receive. I am truly in receipt!
REVIEWER’S NOTE: When I can, I choose the audio versions of books as I can listen anywhere and take them anyplace, as well as re-listen on whim. At times, I will buy both the paper version and the audio. This depends, however, on the book though! It can become quite expensive otherwise. I will say… it would have been easier to review if I had the paper version as well as the audio as I would have had an Index. Nonetheless, listening and reviewing this book was one of the highlights and delights of my life! YOU SIMPLY MUST READ OR LISTEN to it!
I had just finished listening to Joyce Meyer’s “Battlefield of the Mind” and was in the middle of Joyce Meyer’s “Approval Addiction,” when my copy of Joyce’s “The Secret to True Happiness” arrived.
I promptly put Approval Addiction on hold in lieu of this review. I am glad I did, The Secret to True Happiness is absolutely phenomenal. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone – whether Christian or not. Absolutely EVERYONE can take something away from this book.
I read the book in audio form, so I found myself listening to each CD two or more times before I went on to the next CD. While it is a book, the CDs can be listened to again and again in whatever order you like – should a particular topic resonate with you or speak to your heart. I would suggest starting from the beginning initially as one chapter follows another and might make more sense.
I love Joyce Meyer. I discovered her a little more than five years ago when I began on my own spiritual path. While her teachings are serious, she shares in easy to understand terms and/or the everyday language that everyone could understand. Her humor and honesty makes one believe she really does understand and you feel as if you are listening to a friend, who has been there before you.
While I was not sexually abused as Joyce was, I, like many others was verbally abused. When I was growing up people did not talk about it as no one really knew what to do and there really was not a lot of help. How freeing to be able to unload that baggage now, even after so many years and to know that I was not alone!
The teachings of The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow focuses on enjoying life where you are on the way to where you are going. Joyce talks about this a lot, but this book truly dissects each aspect of life so it becomes more real and feasible to the reader/listener. I am embarrassed to share this, as I usually do not speak this way, but I found myself saying “right on sister” more than once. I felt she really understood and really knew what I was going through or had been through.
Since I read/listened to this book in audio form I do not have an index to go through and list here, but I will tell you, DO NOT miss this book. DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT miss this book.
You owe it to yourself and to everyone you know and/or will meet, because what you/we do, how we behave, what we say or how we act not only impacts on us as individuals, but on everyone else as well. While we know this deep in our heart of hearts, the reinforcement is so uplifting and much needed from time to time.
Here are some examples in my own life…
We do not have to wait for our situation to change or for us to receive things in order for us to become happy. If we think we do, then we will rob ourselves of more than any thief can take from us. Happiness is a state of mind, one that we can have in an instant. I learned from Anthony Robbins, “things are as important as we make them,” and “we can change our focus in a moment!” Joyce reenforces this way of thinking and after a while it becomes second nature.
For example: Last week I dropped a huge styrofoam cup of boiling hot tea on myself. (This is true!) On my way to the doctor’s offer, I kept thinking of things I could be Grateful for. One was, it was pretty bad, but… it could have been lots worse. The second was that I had health insurance and did not have to sit in a hospital emergency room, the third was that the doctor had office hours on Saturday and that I did not have to sit in a crowded emergency room or worry about my situation until the doctor came in on Monday. The fourth thing was that the doctor was doing to tell me that things would be ok. As I walked to the doctor’s office I took time to enjoy nature and snap a few digital images with my camera. Trust me, I was plenty scared of what was going to happen, or what could happen, but as long as I could I would keep these good thoughts alive. In the end it was all true. The last, will take a while and I will have to do my part to make sure I follow the Doctor’s instructions in order for my burn to heal properly. (It is much more pleasant to think of things in a positive way as we really can’t change some of them. I remember a time when I would have been hysterical under the same situation.
Joyce’s books and teachings are one of the main reasons I can keep this attitude. It is NOT easy, but when I slip I have something to grab onto. Many times I will find myself reaching for one of Joyce’s books or teachings and as odd as this might sound, sometimes the teaching just happens to be on the subject I am dealing with.
Joyce says: “Our Words Affect Others”… About a month or so ago I went to throw the trash out. I found a pizza box on top of where the newspapers were to be. For some reason I opened it. There was a “huge uneaten slice of pizza in the box!” I lost it. I was so furious, thinking of the rodents and vermin it could draw I ran right into my apartment and wrote a really strong note and posted it on the compactor room door. Well, it did not take long for someone to write back asking “who made me the boss!” I was even more furious, but was at a loss for what to do. Oh, and don’t let me forget to share, each day for the next week there were more food boxes left.
After I listened to Joyce, I wrote another note, much softer with a catch title: “Rodent Alert!” I went on to explain that raw food draws roaches, mice, rats, and who knows what. I finished up thanking them for their cooperation and signed my name. So far… I have NOT seen any more food being left in the compactor room. I still feel strongly about what was done, but changing the way I behaved about it, made a huge difference. THANK YOU Joyce!
On one of the CDs Joyce spoke about loss. Loss comes in many forms. Could be loss of a person, a job, a marriage, etc. In my case it was the sudden loss of a friend’s son – he was 43. I was there for my friend and was and am as supportive as I can be. But… I found it did not let me come to terms with the loss. I was not able to deal with it properly as I was/am there propping her up. Don’t get me wrong, that is what friends do, but your emotions do not understand that. Listening to Joyce it all came into perspective again. Loss is like the seasons… There is a sequence to go through.  I found myself listening to that CD more than once. But once was enough to get me back on track. The next time I spoke to my friend, I felt that I understand better as I was using Joyce’s words and this time I knew it was not just lip service. I truly believe that God will eventually heal my friend’s heart. My friend does not believe it or accept it, but I believe it and I will do my best to feed it into her!
The last CDÂ is on Discipline — How true it is!
Joyce talks about doing what it takes to be/get where we want to be and not be envious of those who might have gotten there first IF we DID NOT or DO NOT want to do the work to get there ourselves.  She talks about going the extra mile and not taking shortcuts, as they do not work. How true this is! Every time I take a shortcut because I am tired, or lazy, it comes back to haunt me — fifty-fold.
We all know in our heart of hearts, the right thing is to work for what we want, even if it takes us longer than we thought it would. Complaining about life’s injustices will not help and will certainly not put us in the frame of mind to do what is necessary. Through Joyce (and Joel Osteen), I have learned to look for the good in bad things — at the least they will make me/us stronger. As we go through things, we sometimes wonder how they could possibly help later, but as an artist… sometimes I feel it helps me design my eCards with more emotion (walking in other’s shoes, so to speak).
Discipline also has to do with our behavior, how we act and get excited about what we can’t change. Here again, it was almost as if God were leading me to listen to this Chapter when I did. An incident happened here that was so unfair and infuriated me as it was lodged against me. It happened on a weekend, so I had to wait until Monday to do something about it. Well, I won’t say that I did not get upset, but as I listened to Joyce’s message, I felt the anger and frustration melt away as I waited to take the action I could, come the beginning of the week. It does not help to carry on as it will only make ME/US SICK, waste our precious time and prevent me/us from enjoying life.
I have learned… Carrying on, being frustrated and/or angry really will not make anything better or resolve things sooner. I know, I do NOT feel better physically when I vent on life’s injustices — maybe it is old age creeping up, as it never used to get to me as it does now! I do my best to give it to God — this DOES NOT come easy to me as breaking old habits is hard, but I am a work in progress and it is much easier than it used to be.
I would like to paraphrase Joyce’s Saying: “I may not be where I want to be, but at least I am not ‘where I used to be!'” This is so true!!! When I look back to where I was just two years ago at this time, I have come so far. We need to look to the future in dark times as the light always comes — in one way or another.
As Joyce says and is reinforced over and over in The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow… We do not have to wait for things to happen or to receive things in order to be happy. If we think we need certain things to happen in order to be happy, we will rob ourselves of more than any thief can take from us.
What I would say to anyone reading this: RUN, DO NOT WALK to your nearest book store, or better yet, CLICK THIS LINK to order Joyce Meyer’s new book:  “The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow!” You owe it to yourself and everyone else you will ever come in contact with.  For sure, I WILL be listening to this book over and over and over again.
For your convenience I have added a link to order Joyce Meyer’s NEW BOOK. At the least, click the link to check it out now. Don’t take my word for it.  You will be glad you did though — of that I AM POSITIVE!
The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow
With Warm Regards,
Roz Fruchtman
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November 1, 2018 Comments Off on Roz Reviews: The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow – Joyce Meyer
Roz Reviews: Joyce Meyer – The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow
(Originally reviewed April 22, 2008)
I did a more indepth and personal review of Joyce Meyer’s new book: “The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow,” yesterday! I decided to do an addendum to that review.
Since I listened to the book multiple times already, I would like to voice my true opinion and recommend this book to everyone and anyone. You definitely do not have to be Christian to read and enjoy this book. The one thing we all have in common is: “we are all people!”
Although we are all different, we are all very much the same as “we all have to deal with ourselves!” No getting away from that. Wherever we go, we take ourselves along. We are the only people we can’t get away from – EVER! So we better learn how to deal with ourselves before we learn to deal with others. Actually, how we think of things affects everything and everyone we come in contact with – family, friends, strangers, business associates, loved ones, the clerk in the supermarket or post office.
True happiness starts with us, from within. Things are only as important as we make them. Of course there are exceptions to every rule. Sometimes things really are important and we have to deal with them NOW! But even those things are affected by our attitudes and beliefs.
In The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow,” Joyce covers just about every aspect of our lives.
I would truly recommend Joyce Meyer’s new book: “The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow” to everyone and anyone. You will NOT be sorry you read or listened to it. It is phenomenal, and one that I will listen to over and over again. The nice thing about listening to the Audio/CD version is that you can relisten to those CDs that speak to your heart at any given time without having to reread the entire book. Reading the book would not hurt either! Maybe it is just me, but I get so much more out of the audio version of books and learning programs. I can take them with me anyplace I go — No Restrictions!
CLICK THIS LINK… to read my indepth review to The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow and how to affected my immediate life.
For your convenience I have added a link to order Joyce Meyer’s NEW BOOK. At the least, click the link to check it out NOW. Don’t take my word for it.  You will be glad you did though — of that I AM POSITIVE!
The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow
With Warm Regards,
Roz Fruchtman
Blog Views By Roz /
Say It With eCards /

December 13, 2012 Comments Off on Roz Reviews: Joyce Meyer – The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow
Roz Review: 100 Ways To Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer
(Original Review Written December 23, 2008)
Subhead: Joyce Meyer’s New Book, “100 Ways to Simplify Your Life,” is the book of the year in my opinion. This book will become the Bible of Everyday Living.
“100 Ways to Simplify Your Life” by Joyce Meyer has to be Joyce’s best book yet! Or… the timing of its release makes it her best book yet! Either way, I would recommend this book to everyone, no matter if they are Christian or not.
Joyce share “common rules” for everyday living. No matter what our religion or ethnicity, we are all the same in many respects!
I keep this book by my bed and before I go to sleep, I play a little game with myself. I open it to a random page and tell myself “this is the page God thinks I need to read today!”
!00 Ways to Simplify Your Life is just that. Joyce lists 100 ways to simplify your life – nothing more, nothing less.
How to use this book.
Actually, you do not have to start from the beginning. You can open the book to any page and start there, or you can check out the “Table of Contents” and select the challenges you would like to read about.
The book is written in a “simple” consistent format!
Each section starts off with a quote by a person – some are anonymous – but all meaningful. One of my favorite quotes is listed with “Tip 44 – Pray About Everything.” The quote is: “Pray, and let God worry!” ~ Martin Luther. What a concept!
Next, there is a quote, psalm or proverb from the Bible.  What a great way to learn them, one by one!
Lastly, Joyce shares the solution or tip to the specific challenge you are reading about.
YOU REALLY do have to get this book. BUY IT for EVERYONE you know! You will be glad you did and they will be glad you did! The peace of mind this book shares is priceless!
I can’t say enough about 100 Way To Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer!
COMPLAINT… The “ONLY” complaint I have is… the book is “NOT long enough.” There are so many challenges in life that Joyce could have written 200 Ways to Simplify Your Life and it still would have been great.
I would suggest that Joyce write a sequel, perhaps call it: 100 “Additional” Ways to Simplify Your Life. It would be a best seller!
This book is so well timed with our country’s current challenges.
“I LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT! You will too!”
I have both the CD version and the paper version. I would suggest them both, but I would definitely suggest the paper version so you can highlight those passages you want to find quickly.
100 Ways to Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer
Written and Reviewed by Roz Fruchtman

December 12, 2012 2 Comments