Category — Photoshop
Scott Kelby Makes The Cover of USA Today
Check it out… Scott Kelby, Photoshop Guru and President of NAPP / National Association of Photoshop Professionals was on the FRONT page of USA Today last week. (5/8/2007)
Here is the comment I left:Â (I meant it all!)
Roz_Fruchtman wrote: 2d 2h ago
About 7-8 years ago I discovered I had a flair for digital design. I started with Paint Shop Pro like most on the web. Found out quickly that Photoshop was the industry standard. Thought it would be a breeze. WRONG!!!
I thought it would take forever or never to learn all the cool stuff people did with Photoshop. WRONG!!!
In ONE DAY with Scott Kelby I learned that “I could learn quickly and that it was all a few clicks away!” IF I could bottle the feeling I had when I left the Jacob Javits Convention Center that day, I would make millions.
It was what Dr. Phil would say “A Defining Moment!” I am a dedicated NAPP Member and in my book: “If Scott Kelby does it, it has to be good!” (sight unseen). I already have my ticket to the June, 2007 Photoshop Seminar Tour in NYC. IF Scott will be there, so will I! Scott Kelby makes a long and tedious day of learning, fun with his humor and Photoshop expertise.
Roz Fruchtman
Say It With eCards /

May 15, 2007 Comments Off on Scott Kelby Makes The Cover of USA Today
NAPP: Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland – NYC
NAPP: Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland – NYC
Once again the NAPP Photoshop Seminar Tour is coming to NYC.
These tours are recommended for anyone involved with Adobe Photoshop, remotely involed with Adobe Photoshop or “even thinking of becoming involved with Adobe Photoshop.†It is not only an extensive day of learning, but CAN BE an eye opener. My very first seminar tour (with Scott Kelby) in 2001 was what Dr. Phil would call a “definitely moment†for me.
When: Monday, April 3, 2006
Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland

March 20, 2006 Comments Off on NAPP: Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland – NYC
Photoshop World Tech Expo FREE Pass
I received this from NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) and thought I would pass it along for those who are lucky enough to be able to take advantage and live or will be in the area. Enjoy!
— ORIGINAL Press Release Follows —
Photoshop World Conference & Expo – Miami Convention Center – March 22-24
TAMPA, FL – Thurs., March 9 – Photoshop World Conference & Expo is opening its Tech Expo at the Miami Convention Center to the public for one day only on Thurs., March 23 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (
Photoshop World’s Expo is an ideal opportunity for creative professionals and students to get a look at tomorrow’s technology and mingle with industry experts from the biggest names in the business, including Adobe, Microsoft, Nikon, Canon, HP, Dell, Wacom, and B&H Photo Video.

March 9, 2006 Comments Off on Photoshop World Tech Expo FREE Pass
REVIEW: Plaid Lite – Magic or Art
You gotta love this… Instant Plaids!
A while back I got the bright idea to create a collection of digital designs with Plaid as the theme. The problem was, I was clueless as to how to make this happen.
After a bit of research and help from colleagues I was off and running to explore the list of websites I had been presented with.
The very first website I visited and the one I kept coming back to was:
Plaid Lite – by NameSuppressed Design
“Plaid Lite” has the flexiblity and good sense to allow one to create their own unique plaid patterns using almost any image that is inserted into the filter. The results are phenominal and limited only by ones own imagination and/or images used.
From the website Plaid Lite’s features include:

March 5, 2006 Comments Off on REVIEW: Plaid Lite – Magic or Art