Category — Holidays – Jewish
Friendship Day Blues, Or Feelings of Simple Neglect?
As an eCard designer/developer, perhaps I am more aware of which holidays are acknowledged and which are not. I find it disturbing, to be quite honest in today’s day and age when the economy is faltering, people are losing their jobs, losing their homes, declaring bankruptcy and perhaps even worse. The loneliness and isolation they must be feeling has to be quite unbearable. (We are all somewhat affected – gas prices, food bills, no matter what we touch the price is higher and the quantities are smaller, for the same price no less.)
The one thing we should be able to count on is our friendships and relationships — Our priceless possessions. True friendship is unconditional!
I am not even remotely implying that our friends do not care about us or would not be there for us — if we asked, and some even when we do not ask. I for one, am blessed with a few good friends. I also lost two girlfriends to Cancer many years ago who I would give anything to have one more day with them. Friendship of the “unconditional” kind is extremely hard to find and some never experience it! Be grateful if you have/are experiencing that kind of friendship!
What I am saying is that “we are NOT recognizing” our friends. Life happens and we become too busy. It is not that we don’t care. Life happens and “people” and things are falling between the “cracks of life.”
We need to say “Thank You for being there for me. Thank You for being my friend. I Care about you. I Love You!” I recognize the fact that it is not easy for all of us to say these things face-to-face or voice to voice! Trust me, I know this!
eCards To The Rescue
What is the big deal in sending an unexpected eCard to show appreciation? Don’t we have that much time to spare for our loved ones and those we care about! Even acknowledging those we are not that thrilled with can turn things around. Everyone needs and deserves a little kindness.
And no, it is not sour grapes that my Friendship eCards are not moving – at the time this entry is being written. That IS what prompted the writing of this Blog entry!  It is still early in the day and I cater to a market worldwide so the time zones are different all over the world. My point is people are not even searching for Friendship Day eCards. It is one thing to visit an eCard web site and not buy or use their products or services, it is quite another when we are “not” even looking for them.
I would venture to bet that most people do not even know that today is National Friendship Day… We publicize all the negatives in our lives, but what about the positives. What about the people and things we hold near and dear to us. What about those special people we depend on to keep us grounded. Do we really need to feel the guilt of neglect when someone is no longer with us? I am sure we can all relate to this. I know I can, I am not immune from guilt, however, these day I try to do what I can to avoid having to feel guilty or neglectful. But I am not perfect!
Please let me share my own personal story of guilt…
A little more than two years ago I had the unpleasant experience of having the retina in my right eye detach. This is scary stuff! It happened in a split second while walking down the hallway in my apartment. Thank God after all was said and done I am ok now. I had an excellent doctor and surgeon. God was good and all worked together to restore my eyesight. MY POINT…
For a couple of months I was not able to see out of my right eye. It was loaded with gas and what I saw could be compared to looking through wax paper into clouds. It was not pleasant and more than a little scary – this I can attest to.
In the comfort and familiarity of my own home it was not as uncomfortable and scary as when I was out in the street walking – alone. Outside in the bright sunlight (worse yet in the blackness of night)… I felt unbalanced and unsteady on my feet. I was afraid to cross the street! The worst yet was when I went into the grocery store I had trouble finding things. Finally I realized “I had to ask for help up front upon entering the store – Otherwise I was ignored!”
I got an excellent glimpse into what some people live with each and every minute of each and every day. My REAL POINT… My dearest aunt had developed macular degeneration in a time when no one knew what macular degeneration was. There were no cures and she lived with it until the day she died!
MY GUILT is/was… I could have been a lot nicer to her by being there more — being more understanding and attentive! I felt the most overwhelming sense of guilt during the time I was recuperating from my retina re-attachment surgery. I prayed for her forgiveness. My REAL POINT… why wait until it is too late!
Acknowledge your friends, family, loved ones and business associates NOW… while there is still a chance. Just because we are lucky enough not to walk in everyone else’s shows, does not mean that they are not having a hard time and need our support and encouragement, even if it is through an unexpected eCard demonstrating just how much we care and we DO think about them and we DO remember them. What could be easier than that — Of course they need to be able to receive the eCard, but now-a-days everyone has access or knows someone who has access to an Internet connection. The payoff of knowing you made someone happy is priceless!
Friendship Day should be everyday. National Friendship Day is the day we “officially” acknowledge our friends – relatives are friends too – loved ones should be friends too – and business associates are friends too. Even some who are not, why not acknowledge them anyway. Who knows… special things happen when one is shown a little extra unexpected kindness. As Dog The Bounty Hunter Says — “Mercy Given is Mercy Received!” Or, it is “Those Who Give Mercy Receive Mercy!” Well you get the point!
To visit Say It With eCards National Friendship Day eCards follow the links below:
Judaic National Friendship Day eCards (traditional)
Patriotic Judaic National Friendship Day eCards
(let keep the troops in mind and send patriotic)
With Warm Regards,

August 3, 2008 Comments Off on Friendship Day Blues, Or Feelings of Simple Neglect?