Posts from — December 2008
Roz Speaks Out: Amazon – Allows Market Place Seller’s To Charge Customers Double
Kodak Z1012 Digital Camera
I am appalled that, who I like very much, and who I buy from regularly… Allow’s their “Market Place” sellers to charge customers “twice the price” for an item. Perhaps what is bothering me more is that, themselves is promoting this particular seller in an email that just sent out to their mailing list. In my book, that implies that is saying this is ok!
In this case, the item in question is the “Kodak Z1012 Digital Camera.
I have been watching this camera for many months now as I have a personal interest in it. Perhaps if this were not the case I would not have known the difference in price when’s email advertisement hit my email box just a few moments ago. is quoting $479.95 – sold by their “Market Place” Vendor BlueProton, for a camera that Kodak, itself retails for $249.95.
This is outrageous in my opinion. Staples had the same camera a week or two ago for $219.95. Staples regular price is $249.95.
My point here… BE CAREFUL and check out your prices BEFORE you purchase anything… whether online or offline. It could be very costly for you if you do not!
Let us hear from you. Post your comments below. Thank You!
Posted by Roz Fruchtman,

December 29, 2008 Comments Off on Roz Speaks Out: Amazon – Allows Market Place Seller’s To Charge Customers Double