Judaic National Friendship Day eCards For Your Jewish Friends
Today, Sunday August 3, 2008 is National Friendship Day.
Say It With eCards aka Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings Club is offering a huge selection of Judaic Themed Friendship Day eCards in honor and celebration of National Friendship Day.
While Friendship Day should be everyday, sometmes we forget and take for granted that our friends know how much we care. But everyone needs to hear it from time to time. Some of us need to hear it more than others, but then there are those of us who have trouble showing our feelings. This is where eCards come in. An unexpected “in-the-moment” eCard is the best gift ever!
Say It With eCards is the only site on the web offering Judaic Friendship Day eCards. YOU and YOUR FRIENDS deserve the very best!
Check them out here:
Judaic National Friendship Day eCards
http://www.sayitwithecards.com/index.php?cat_id=136Â (See All)
http://www.sayitwithecards.com/index.php?cat_id=475 (Judaic & Non-Judaic)
http://www.sayitwithecards.com/index.php?cat_id=476Â (Patriotic Judaic Friendship Day eCards)
Life is so short! Times are bad! PLEASE take the opportunity to reach out and let those you care about know it! YOUR CARD can brighten up an otherwise dark and dreary day!
Happy Friendship Day to you and yours!
Posted in Love and Peace,