Interfaith eCards From Say It With eCards
Say It With eCards does it again… with more than 100 Hanukkah eCards offered at Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings Club website…
Approxiatmely 75 Interfaith eCards have been uploaded to the Say It With eCards member area. These Interfaith eCards target blended families celebrating both Christmas and Hanukkah.
The Interfaith eCards have been designed in three basic flavors:
Roz Fruchtman, Bronx, NY Digital Artist explains “Why These eCards Were Designed.”
Times have changed, the family structure has changed, and with the Internet, the world has changed. With this said, I will begin…
Through the years I have been asked to design holiday eCards for families of mixed denominations or cultures. Now-a-days the politically correct phrase would be for “blended families!”
Roz says, “Although I thought this a fabulous idea… I struggled with the decision of how to do so without offending those visiting or having memberships at:
Say It With eCards /
my Judaic eCards Club’s website.”
Last year I decided to give it a whirl. I had a blast designing and created what I hope would be tastefully designed eCards for those celebrating combined Judaic and Christian holidays.
The cards can be found at the Say It With eCards website in the categories listed below:
- Category: Interfaith eCards/December Holidays – Black and White Collection
- Category: Interfaith eCards/December Holidays – General/Traditional Collection
- Category: Interfaith eCards/December Holidays – Patriotic/Support The Troops
Enjoy and Happy Holidays To All!
Comments, questions, suggestions, complaints, contact Roz Fruchtman at:
roz @ (Please remove the spaces around the @ (at sign)
Posted by Roz Fruchtman / Blog Views By Roz