Interfaith eCards – Say It With eCards Targets Blended Families and Relationships
Coming soon (for Hanukkah and Christmas) to Say It With eCards…
Interfaith eCards designed and created by Roz Fruchtman – Bronx, New York City Digital Artist
Times have changed, the family structure has changed, and with the Internet, the world has changed. With this said, I will begin…
My name is Roz Fruchtman. Many of you know me for my Judaic eCard designs.
Through the years I have been asked to design holiday eCards for families of mixed denominations or cultures. Now-a-days the politically correct phrase would be for “blended families!”
Although I thought this a fabulous idea… I struggled with the decision of how to do this without offending those visiting my Judaic eCards Club’s website, but last year I decided to give it a whirl. I had a blast designing and created what I hope would be tastefully designed eCards for those households celebrating combined Judaic and Christian holidays. Below is the result.
Interfaith selections will include:
- Interfaith eCards – General Collection
- Interfaith eCards – Patriotic Collection
- Interfaith eCards – Black and White Collection
These eCards and over 1,700 more Judaic eCards are featured at:
Say It With eCards Judaic eCards Club
Stay tuned the Interfaith Collection will be uploaded within the next few days. Information about it can be found here or at:
HISTORY – From Roz Fruchtman / Bronx, New York Digital Artist
When I first started out I had two distinct and separate eCard sites: One Judaic in nature and the other more Traditional. As you can imagine, since this is a one-woman show, it was impossible to do both and give either my full attention.
I continued on with the Judaic eCards as my mission had always been to provide an artsy, unique and tasteful way for the Jewish community and those communicating with them or having a need for Judaic themed ecards to have a place to go and a way to do so.
To date my Judaic eCards Club website – – offers more than 1,700 Judaic themed eCards for your sending convenience.
Questions, Suggestion and/or Comments: Contact Roz
Roz @ (please remove the space around the @ sign)
Posted by Roz Fruchtman / Blog Views By Roz