Roz Views: – Free and Impressive
Earlier this evening I went on a search for a “real-time invisible web site tracking — stat counter — service. Tall order you would think… to find one that was FREE, but I did! is just that. It not only provides in-depth stats, including:
- Summary
- Popular Pages
- Entry Pages
- Exit Pages
- Came From
- Keyword Analysis
- Recent Keyword Activity
- Recent Came From
- Search Engine Wars
- Visitor Paths
- Visit Length
- Returning Visits
- Recent Pageload Activity
- Recent Visitor Activity
- Country/State/City/ISP
- Browser
- System Stats
- Lookup IP Address
but drills them down with more specifics than you would even ask for. So far I have used it for less than 1/2 hour and I already see in-depth activity on who is visiting, where they came from, where they went on my site, how long they stayed and what they clicked on. That was all from one screen.
For now, I chose’s free service which will keep a running analysis of my web site’s last 100 visitors. I can only hope that my site would do well enough to use their pay service with is a bargain at what is offered.
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /