Roz Says: Getting Back to Basics with Get The Edge
Sometimes we really need to stop what we are doing in order feed our minds with some good stuff and rejuvenate. For me that was pulling out my Anthony Robbins “Get The Edge” program. I started to do this on Monday, but got sidetracked Tuesday as we lost electricity, water and phone service. Wednesday I was concerned with my impending afternoon visit to the oral surgeon.
Today/Thursday… I awoke at 5AM feeling pretty disgusted and disappointed in myself for not continuing the program… no matter what. After all, I could have listened with my Diskman which runs on batteries. Anyway… I started the program “all over again” and did two days in one. By the end of the day I worked through the two assignments given at the end of the second CD. What an accomplishment! I am my toughest critic, but even I have to give myself credit for not just throwing my hands up in defeat! IF I learned nothing else from Tony, I learned to NOT give up! Each moment is a new opportunity!
As much as I look forward to tomorrow, it will be a killer, even though… this is my favorite part of the program. It is the CD which turned things around for me the first time out — The second CD of Personal Power Classic – Pain and Pleasure! It enabled me to figure out why I do or do not do certain things, even though I really want to do them deep down. I can’t wait… I have a few irons in the fire and I am trying to get over a few of my own stumbling blocks.
Now I am off to have some quiet time, watch TV and knit a little, or not!
Posted by Roz/