Roz Lends Her Voice To Blog Action Day to Help Save The Environment
Blog Action Day is the day when Bloggers — around the web and world — join together to give a universal voice to help save the environment! After all… WE ALL live on this earth and it takes so little to make a difference!
Personally… I am ashamed to admit until a few years ago I never gave much thought to saving the environment. I thought: “What could I do?” “Who would listen to me!”
During a phone conversation with a friend I learned quickly that I could and would eventually make a big difference in my own life as well as the lives of others in my community – or borough as they call the divisions of NYC – which would ultimately impact on the environment.
Heres the deal…
I had been bitterly complaining how I needed to declutter my home. I had accumulated so much stuff over the thirty (30) years I have been living here that I had no idea where to start because all of it was good — I thought — even if I did not need it myself! I wish this were not so, but it is!
During a phone conversation with my friend she mentioned hearing about an organization called
She told me there were chapters all over the United States and I believe in other countries as well.
From the Website:
Welcome! The Freecycle Networkâ„¢ is made up of 4,142 groups with 3,957,000 members across the globe. It’s a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It’s all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by a local volunteer (them’s good people). Membership is free. To sign up, find your community by entering it into the search box above or by clicking on “Browse Groups†above the search box. Have fun!
My friend suggested I visit the website to see if there was a chapter in my area.  She went on to say… IF NOT “you can start one!” I did not want to hear that. I know how much dedication it takes to run any group successfully and I just did not have the time. However, after a few months watching others unsuccessfully try I founded FreeCycleBronxNY.
Long story short, after 13 months of building a heathy Bronx Chapter of I passed it on to four other people who took over where I left off.
What I learned from all of this is HOW YOU and I / EVERYONE can help to save the environment while helping others in your community/communities and giving new life to the treasures or trash you no longer need. For sure the old saying: “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure!”
NOTE: Trust me, not everything passed on in a Freecycle group is trash. I recently was gifted a wonderful lightweight dictaphone which will help me to get my thoughts down on Blog.
A PERSONAL NOTE FROM ROZ: Founding the Bronx NY Chapter of The Network was probably the most selfless action I have ever taken. I am proud each time I see the items passed on and received as I know what it means — first hand — to the giftor and giftee/recipient. My only regret is that I could never get enough help or press to make FreeCycleBronxNY a household name in each Bronx NY home. It was the most frustrating thing for me.Â
Posted by Roz Fruchtman / Blog Views By Roz