Joel & Victoria Osteen: Daily and Weekly e-Votionals
Personal testimonial: I have learned, firsthand, that being spiritual and grateful makes life a whole lot happier and joyful — even in times of trauma and unpleasantness. This revelation came to me almost three years ago when I first went through the Anthony Robbins “Get The Edge” program. One thing that changed my life forever was to become grateful for all of life’s blessings — no matter how big or small. As strange as this may seem, I have learned to take away something good from everything that happens — good or bad. Sometimes it takes a while to find good in something bad, and sometimes there is “no way” to find good in bad!
For example: During the trauma of 911 I realized the fact that I use my artistic creativity to demonstrate my deep emotions and compassion for others. This WAS a VERY GOOD thing and something I embrace daily!
This said… I have become a follower of Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen. While both are “Born Again Christians” they both preach “abundance and striving for success in everyday living!” These are subject that everyone of us can appreciate!
I have seen Joel & Victoria Osteen in person twice in New York City’s Madison Square Garden. The first time I went I felt like a spectator. I thought to myself… “My mother and father must be turning over in their graves thinking: What’s a nice Jewish girl like my daughter doing at a Born Again Christian event!” I went alone and felt very much like a spectator, like I was doing something wrong, even though it was something I very much wanted to do!
A year later I attended again and this time I felt very much the participant. During the 365 days inbetween both events, I learned… inspiration and motivation comes in different forms. Coming from a “dysfunctional background” I have learned to accept inspiration and motivation no matter where it comes from. With this said, I would like to share some exciting news that arrived in my email box yesterday…
— Quoted from Joel & Victoria Osteen’s email announcement —
We have some exciting news to share with you!
After months of requests from friends like you for e-mail inspiration from God’s Word, we are ready to share daily and weekly devotionals with you.
You can subscribe to both — the weekly Live Like a Champion video message and the daily Today’s Word — or you can choose just one.
They come directly to your e-mail inbox. And they are designed to energize every area of your life.
It’s easy to subscribe to this free ministry resource. Just click the button on the left and you’ll go directly to a quick, one-step sign-up page. ( Click this link to subscribe — )
Thank you for your friendship, support and desire to become the champion God wants you to be. Your faithful and generous support of this ministry is making an eternal difference in the lives of millions around the world.
Believing God’s best for you,
Joel and Victoria Osteen
— Quoted from Joel & Victoria Osteen’s email announcement —
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /

Thank you 🙂
i would like to add my email address to receive your daily devotionals.
i am from south africa and watch you on tbn
please forward your free daily motivational from Joel & Victorial Osten to my email address