
January 26, 2005

FreeCycle... Comes to the Bronx, NY

FreeCycle Comes to the Bronx County, NY
Inspired by the Freecycle Movement of “Turning Trash Into Treasure”

BRONX, NY – A new chapter of opens in the Bronx, NY. The chapter was created on January 25, 2005. It is hosted by and is run by Bronx Resident (Digital Artist/Web Consultant) Roz Fruchtman.

FreeCycleBronxNY is proud to announce the launch of its new online group:



Continue reading "FreeCycle... Comes to the Bronx, NY" »

January 25, 2005

REVIEW: Staples Easy Rebates... IS Easy!

Staples has been advertising their “Staples Easy Rebates” at:

all over the place. Well, I am here to tell you “it REALLY is” easy!

I am shamed to say I am one of those people who buys things on rebate and then ultimately waits until “the last moment” to send them in. I vow each and every time I will change, but to date it has not happened! Considering I am on a mission to eliminate unnecessary stress in my life, you would think I would have changed this behavior by now.

Continue reading "REVIEW: Staples Easy Rebates... IS Easy!" »

December 01, 2004

After Thanksgiving / Back Now...

Can you believe that there are 30 days left until 2005. Another brand new year looms before us. It's exciting to think about!

I took some time off after Thanksgiving to learn all I could about eBay and how to sell and buy. While it is not rocket science to put something up for auction, there is a technique to it and much to know.

I'm back now, so stay tuned for more:

  • Free seminars
  • Free teleseminars
  • Reviews
  • Roz Views — My own pearls of wisdom and opinions
  • Lots more!

November 12, 2004

Free Cycle ... Round and Round It Goes!

A while back I discovered a group called Free Cycle. Free Cycle is a network which helps recycle items that one person no longer needs or wants by connecting them up with someone who needs or wants these same items. For example:

One person has a TV to throw out. They do not want to trash it as it still works, so they offer it at Free Cycle and someone else who can use it makes contact and picks it up. No money is exchanged, as everything on Free Cycle IS free! It's really interesting what is offered and what is taken. It can be as small as a partial roll of wrapping paper or energy bars to washers, dryers, computers, etc.. In this day and age a network like this is a true blessing.

To check and see if there is a Free Cycle group near you visit Perhaps you want to start one in your town. You can do that here as well. Check it out!

November 08, 2004

Veterans Day Tribute — Bring Tissues!

I received a short note tonight about linking web sites. Like most, I get a lot of these requests, but not always for anything worthwhile. As a patriotic American woman, I was brought to tears when I visited and listened to this beautiful song.

“This is America Our Heart & Soul”
Composed by John Schmidt
Click to listen to This Is America

As an aside: I care so deeply for our troops, our veterans and our country. I want so very much to give back and let them know they are being remembered and thought of. Like you John, I do it through my art. However... because of abuse I cannot put any of my cards up to be sent freely. It hurts me more than words can say!

The cards are included in my member sites at:

Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings, and
Table Top Greetings.

I would say... There are more than 50 patriotic eCards in the collection.

May God Bless You John, Bless Us All, and God Bless America!

November 03, 2004

The Vote — Who Is Our President?

NOTE: I am writing this entry as a US "Voting" Citizen. Who I voted for is irrelevant and will remain private! No matter what... (whether I liked it or not) I would feel the same way no matter who was the prospective winner!

Can you believe it? It's 6:00AM Wednesday morning, November 3, 2004 and we... Still do not know who the new President is!

Continue reading "The Vote — Who Is Our President?" »

November 01, 2004

VOTE — Your Country Needs You!

If we learned nothing else four years ago, we learned just how important each and every vote is.

Please, if you are registered don't let this vote get away from you. There is nothing more important and it takes so little time for such a large investment in your future and safety!

NOTE: If you did not register, please do so and be prepared for “next year.” Don't wait... Visit Rock The Vote.

October 30, 2004

DON'T FORGET... To Turn “Back” The Clocks!


Don't forget to turn “BACK” the clocks tonight at 2AM.

The good part is that we get “AN EXTRA” hour of sleep tomorrow morning, OR... an extra hour to do something fun!

Enjoy! Don't waste it!

October 22, 2004

Kodak — FREE Tech Support

One of the truly phenomenal things I enjoy most about my Kodak Digital Camera is the “totally free” Tech Support and guidance I receive from Kodak when I call.

  • Free toll-free number
  • Free help
  • Do not get rushed off the line
  • Most of all, their Tech Support is offered FROM the USA
  • they
NOTE: Sometimes we forget... Tech support is something to think about when buying a camera or any product. Now-a-days once you fork over your money it is not always a good experience WHEN problems arise or we have what could be considered a little question. Little questions become “major” issues when there is no help around or help is not easy to reach.

October 19, 2004

TeleSeminars... What / How?

TeleSeminars are just what the name implies... Telephone Seminars.

TeleSeminars provide a means to attend a seminar/networking event from the comfort of your home, office or nearest part bench. All you need is — working — telephone to attend.

TeleSeminars link people from all over the country/world to a single event at a given time of day or night.

TeleSeminars come in various flavors, free, pay, membership, etc.

  • Free TeleSeminars — could be toll-free number
  • Free TeleSeminars — could be toll number and free seminar
  • Pay TeleSeminars — could be toll-free number and pay seminar
  • Pay TeleSeminars — could be toll number and pay seminar
  • Membership TeleSeminars — could be membership in a club or organization which includes TeleSeminars as one of the features
Whatever the variation, I find TeleSeminars the way to go. Although I have often wished for longer, most are one-hour long. Some will include a free or pay CD or download of the seminar and/or other special offers to attendees. This is not the norm on all and all Teleseminar providers make their own rules about this.

On the other hand TeleSeminars do not provide the opportunity of face-to-face personal networking, although if you get there early you may be able to chat with others on the line and get a few introductions in. After awhile, if you attend the same ones each week (same provider) you get to know people. It's a fun, inexpensive and easy way to learn, mingle and network.


What I like best about TeleSeminars is:
  • I can attend where ever I am as long as I have a phone line.
  • They enable me to attend via phone where it would not be feasible to attend in person, even if, they were held in my own city.
    • Inconvenience of time
    • Expense of travel — in my case it could be hours of travel and schlepping around for a “one-hour” seminar at a really early hour
NOTE: Keep checking Blog Views By Roz for my Favorite TeleSeminars.

October 09, 2004

Growing up at 60!

I took Friday off — the computer — to just rest, think, regroup and do some much needed reorganizing... and cleaning! However, if you were here and looked around... It does not look like I did much. But... in reality I went to sleep a happy camper, feeling as if I had been productive in the day's challenges!

What's always nice about cleaning is that I feel like I am on a treasure hunt. I find things that I misplaced and/or have not seen in a great while. Actually these treasures were just hiding — or temporarily buried — under piles of papers and books. It is always a revelation and I feel as if I were just handed a priceless gift!

It seems the older I get the less time I take for myself. I do not mean to do this, it just is and I AM NOT happy with it! As you can see... Something is wrong with this picture... AND... I am the ONLY one who can change it! It's a daily challenge, and one I feel I am winning.

Believe it or not... “I feel like I am growing up at 60!”

October 06, 2004 — Best Kept Secret

I attended one of those famous Annie Jennings PR teleseminars last week with David McInnis from As usual the seminar was jam-packed with lots of good information.

To listen to the seminar go here.

Choose... Maximize Your Wire Services Distribution with PR Web’s David McInnis -- and click to listen/and or download.

One of the pearls of wisdom you will hear is that...

When you donate as little as $10.00 you can go back into the press release — before it is sent out — and choose “up to 9 more” categories for it to be sent out to! This gives you at least 10 times the exposure you would get from a free press release.

Of course... the more you donate, the better chance you have, but this is certainly something to think about... as an alternative!

October 04, 2004

ONLINE CHAT: Finding Work in NYC

Finding Work in NYC

Online Chat Tuesday, October 5, 2004 — 10 AM

Join Angel Roman, certified Career Coach with the Five O'Clock Club for an online discussion on the NYC job search. What resources are available in NYC? What is a One Stop Career Center, and what happens there?

All welcome! All questions welcome!

The chat room will open at 9:45 AM

Login to the chat here...

As an aside: I have never attended one of these chats, however, I would suggest... if you are looking for work, it could be beneficial to attend whether you live in NYC or not! One never knows what “pearls of wisdom” you might pick up!

See you there!

October 01, 2004

October — Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink Ribbon Campaign

In case you were wondering what all those pink ribbons were that you started seeing all over the place...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

For the month of October... In the memory of my two very best friends I am pledging to donate $1.00 from “each Annual Membership” signup at my Judaic eCard Club:

Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings...
Judaic eCards for “Busy” People!

Hope to see you there!

September 06, 2004

Stupidity or Just Not Caring?

I hate to label people, however, at this point I am at my wit's end!

I just did a mailing and as required by the CAN SPAM act I included a “specific” link for removal from further mailings! The link was further programmed to go to a special email box for the quickest, most efficient removal processing!

Why is it that people can't just click on the link, instead of making things more difficult for everyone by sending empty emails with just the word REMOVE in them. Remove from what? Some even sent empty emails that are just that... EMPTY!

I wonder if I am a masochist to have done the mailing in the first place!

September 05, 2004

Hurricane Francis

It rips at my heart strings to view the devastation the people of Florida are going through and have experienced in the last month — First Charlie and now Francis. It is unthinkable to imagine losing all one's possessions in such a way — a lifetime of possessions literally floating away!

We really need to count our blessings each day our lives stay intact!

Imagine if everyone gave just $1.00, what a help that would be!

President Clinton -- Well Wishes!

My heart goes out to President Clinton and his family!

It never ceases to amaze me how fragile life really is. It makes no difference how famous or rich we are — when illness rears its vicious head no one is safe!

We need to count our blessings and treat each day as if it were our last! When will we ever learn! NEVER wait to mend fences for another day!

Get well soon President Clinton... We pray for your speedy recovery!

August 30, 2004

Two Little Words / Monumental Meaning!

One of my discussion group members sent a note through the group how unappreciated he feels. He stated that he belongs to a variety of discussion groups and spends a good deal of his personal time helping and sharing information and “rarely” does anyone say “Thank you!” Having felt this way myself — a few times — I could sympathize!

It is my belief... people are generally good and well meaning — and... very busy multitasking. However there seems to be some misconceptions where the Internet is concerned! I believe... people need to be educated to the fact that just because a complete stranger — who they may never meet or talk to personally — helps them on the Internet via email, that same stranger STILL deserves acknowledgement for giving of themselves, their knowledge and their precious time.

Please remember... the phrase “Thank You” may be two little words, but their meaning is monumental — AND FREE!

NOTE: It is those very strangers — on the Internet — who have made the biggest difference and impact on my life to date! As well... I hope I have returned the favor and continue to do so!

August 21, 2004

Spyware Software Disappointment

If you have been following this week's adventure with the Popups you might be interested in this bit of information.

A colleague mentioned a friend had a Popup Virus a while back and found a program on the web to solve it. While we were searching we came upon a site called

They suggested we download their program — NoAdware — “for free” to see whether our systems were infected — so we did. However, after running the program we were greeted with a screen inviting us to register the software and pay — in order to have a problem(s) eliminated. I found this quite surprising as there was no mention on the site about this before we downloaded and wasted our time running it.

In my opinion, IF a company is allowing someone to use a trial version, the trial version “should work” uncrippled. IF the company does not want to allow this, I feel it would be better to “not” offer the program for a trial download! Plain and simple, I am not fond of sites offering crippled software, and better yet, not letting you know about it in advance.

As an aside: I have no idea whether this program works or not, I am not going to pay to see if it does!

August 20, 2004

War Against Popups — Update

Up until 12 hours ago I would have sworn I lost the war against those treacherous popups. A friend wrote and suggested I visit and download their “Popup Stopper” software.

True to his word, “Popup Stopper” eliminated them! In fact it is so good it even eliminated the popups necessary to update my Blog. I have to turn off Popup Stopper when working on the Blog and then turn it on again when I finish! A small price to pay to be rid of them and have some peace of mind again! I never experienced anything quite like it... It was as if they invaded my space. They were everywhere I looked. Even when I turned off all the ActiveX features in my browser they still crept in!

What I still can't figure out is... Why one or two sites still send me popups when I visit their sites. It is only those sites as Popup Stopper seems to be doing its job! I would imagine they are configured differently as I don't get them from other sites.

To start out, I decided to first try the FREE version of Popup Stopper and see whats what! So far so good. I feel — once again — like I am living in a land without popups!

NOTE — Perhaps it was me... but I found it a little difficult to find the FREE version of Popup Stopper, so here is the direct link.

In my opinion... I think we need to find a better way to advertise and reach our audience “without” popups or popunders. While they worked for a while, the hackers took that option away from us!

August 19, 2004

Invasion of the Popups!

It seems I must have gone where I was not supposed to and my computer has been invaded by Spyware and Popups — Inundated would be more accurate!

To date... I have tried Ad-Aware and SpyBot Search & Destroy to no avail. As well I have run Norton AntiVirus and turned off all ActiveX features within the Security tab of IE6. The culprit is hanging on for dear life!

Oh well! I suppose after being on the web all these years I was do! Will report back when it has been fixed!

August 17, 2004

I Have Finally Arrived!

I can't believe anyone else has had such a traumatic experience setting up a Blog!

First I had MovableType, then Blogger and now back to MovableType. Why? MovableType has more flexibility and features, and I believe it will be better, more orderly and convenient for my readers. I figured... What would be the point of spending so much time writing when people would not be able to find things easily!

It seems to me... the more you know about design the harder it is to get something that you like!

CSS is not in my comfort zone as I never had the time to learn it. I hand coded for three years before I switched over to Macromedia Dreamweaver — years ago — and never looked back. What I can do in five minutes in Dreamweaver, or even hand coding, I have not “yet” been able to achieve with CSS.

Nevertheless, I am here... And... I am ready to begin! I will worry about making fancy later!