ROZ SAYS: 2006, a New Year, a New Life, a New Era...
This is my first post for 2006. I've been mulling over how I would like the rest of my life to be like -- my hopes and my dreams and how I could benefit the world as well as myself. For me, 2006 is a turning point... In 7 days I turn 62. A new beginning -- I will be a true Senior Citizen!
In summery...
My life has been a whirlwind of major achievements, community contribution, on-line contributoin as well as misguided decisions and mistakes.
Coming from what is now labeled as a dysfunctional family life... For the last few years, since my very first encounter with the Anthony Robbins programs my life has been dedicated to focusing on the prior instead of the latter. I have learned to focus on the achievements, accomplishments and contributions, AND... to learn from the mistakes. I have learned that NOTHING is really a mistake IF I can learn something from it. In fact I made more contributions as I found spiritualism! From here on in it is in doing better for me and those around me.
I am not sure the route this Blog will take. But it will still continue to voice my views, giving me a soap box of sorts.
Have a great day, and as Anthony Robbins says: "Live With Passion!"
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /