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ROZ VIEW: RoboForms by Siber Systems

Sometimes it is hard enough to remember who I am, let alone remember all the usernames and passwords assigned to me all over the web for one thing or another. The best are the crazy usernames and/or passwords full of letters and numbers that are created with no rhyme or reason -- one would have to be a genius to remember them.

A friend of mine has been singing Siber Systems RoboForms praises for years. "FINALLY" less than a month ago I downloaded it and gave it a trial run. EXCELLENT!!!

I have not used all its features yet, but... I can tell you, in the two weeks I used the program (before purchasing it a couple of hours ago) it was a pleasure traveling around the web from one site to the other. The best feature I found so far was that you can actually print out the usernames and passwords to have a hard copy to file elsewhere. What I got was more than I could have ever expected. The printed sheet was divided into two columns and each of the columns were divded into boxes. Each box contained the name of the site, the username and password associated with it.

From what I understand it also fills in forms, but I have not gotten that far.

Don't wait... Give it a trial run at:
http://www.roboform.com/ You'll be as hooked as I was.

AND... when you use the trial version of RoboForms you will be pleased to see there are NO ADS, NO POPUPS, NO NOTHING!!! What you will find is a *fully functioning, working program* to try out and enjoy!

Posted by Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com

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