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ROZ VIEW: DNSReport.com (lookup)

What is DNSReport.com?

-- Quote from their webpage --
This site will provide you with a DNS report for your domain. A very large percentage of domains have DNS problems; this site will help you find those problems and fix them. Also, the "Mail Test" tool will help find mail delivery problems for your domain. This site is a sister site to www.DNSstuff.com, which has many other DNS and networking tools.

For the DNS Report, all you need to do is enter the domain name you wish to have the report made for. You need to enter the domain name ("example.com"), not the host name ("www.example.com"). Note that IP addresses don't work here. Also, the DNS report may connect to the mail server(s) for your domain; if it does, the mail server(s) will have access to your IP in their logs (to help prevent abuse).
-- End Quote from their webpage --

What a find...

Earlier today I had to -- quite unexpectedly -- change the DNS of my website. This came at a more than inappropriate time of the year, however, my host was so well organized that it went without a hitch! To convince me that all was well... He brought me to DNSReport.com to show me that the DNS change went through almost instantly, at least in our area.

Check it out!

Posted by Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com


I've been using DNSReport.com for a couple of years now, and absolutely great way to quickly find possible misconfigurations in your system, or as a quick check to make sure required servers are up and running. I had a client who recently couldn't suddenly send email properly to all addresses. DNSReport.com confirmed their mail server was actually down, so receipient servers couldn't verify the sender adderss. Problem now solved.

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