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ROZ SAYS: Thanksgiving, We Made It Through...

I apologize that I have been absent for most of the month!

It disturbs me to admit this Thanksgiving was harder for me to see the silver lining, even though, I knew it was there all the time. Mostly it was do to overwork, other's actions and life's challenges brought on by bureauratic red tape. Who do I blame for all of us? ME!

I have learned... ALL THINGS are ONLY AS important as “I allow” them to be! As well... I can change my state of mind as quickly as I can change my focus! Try it! It works!

This past year we have watched so many lose homes, jobs and loved ones. My challenges pale in comparison. IF I sat down right now, I could write at the least 20-30 things (or more) that I AM grateful for. How could that be bad? Roz in New York, who continues to fight to keep full control of her joy... no matter what!

Happy Thanksgiving to All.

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