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Cyber Monday -- Judaic Ecards / 24 Hour Promotion


I hope everyone is well and enjoyed the Thanksgiving weekend!

ABOUT THREE HOURS AGO... Quite unexpectedly I heard a TV commentator
talking about the *new* Internet Shopping Phenomena... *Cyber Monday!*

Cyber Monday is the Internet's version of *Black Friday* which is the day after Thanksgiving and the kick-off of the holiday shopping season. Black Friday is the day when people lose their minds and are in the stores beginning at 5AM-6AM. People have been known to stand on lines for hours and hours to get in the store before the masses and on rare occasions to embarrass themselves by fighting over a much wanted item.(shaking head in disgust!)

WELL... Not wanting to be left behind... I whipped up this grand special...

For 24-hours ONLY... Ending on Monday, 11:59PM Pacific Standard Time (2:59AM EST Tuesday morning), I am offering...

15-Months of *unlimited* eCard sending for the Annual price of $16.95.
That's THREE MONTHS FREE = 15-Months / 455 Days of *unlimited* eCard
sending for the regular Annual fee of $16.95.

Regularly, the fee is 12-Months for $16.95 and will return to this price promptly at 11.59PM PST on Monday, November 28, 2005.

This special WILL NOT be repeated again this year.
To take advantage of the special go to:

REQUIREMENTS: This special is for “NEW” members only!

NOTE: IF the URL above breaks, please copy and paste it into your browser.

IF you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I am only an email away.


GSE_email subject goes here

Send to: mailto:roz@designsbydaybreak.com

This is programmed to wind up in a special mailbox so that you will receive a quicker response.

NOW... I am off to grab a few much needed hours of sleep!

With the holiday season upon us...
I hope you will take advantage of this special as it is the best ever, and the timing is perfect! (You may pass it on to anyone you feel might be interested. It is open to the public!)


Roz Fruchtman -- Owner/Designer (mailto:roz@designsbydaybreak.com)
Judaic eCards for *Busy* People!
(Not just Judaic! But traditional with a Judaic twist!
Thanksgiving eCards -- Judaic Style
Traditional New Years 2005 -- Judaic Style

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