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ROZ VIEW: New York City Jewish Artist Uses Her Judaic eCards Digital Design Skills to Raise Money for Hurricane Katrina Victims

See my Hurricane Katrina Campaign.


New York City Jewish Artist Uses Her Judaic eCards Digital Design Skills to Raise Money for Hurricane Katrina Victims

After wracking her brain on how she could personally help the Hurricane Katrina victims, New York City Digital Artist and owner of Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings Club, an online Judaic eCard Club... Roz Fruchtman decided to use the upcoming Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah as a stimulus for her donation.

New York City (PRWEB) September 12, 2005 -- After wracking her brain on how she could personally help the Hurricane Katrina victims, New York City Digital Artist and owner of Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings Club, an online Judaic eCard Club... Roz Fruchtman decided to use the upcoming Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah as a stimulus for her donation.

Roz says, with Rosh Hashanah less than a month away, the next 30 days are the busiest time of year for my Judaic Greeting Card website. After wracking my brain on how I could help... It became crystal clear to use what I already do.

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. At this time Jewish people reflect on the past year's actions, make amends and start new. Using this concept seems fitting to help Hurricane Katrina Survivors move forward to begin again.

Roz's goal is to use her online Judaic eCard Club, Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings Club, during the busiest time of the Jewish year to generate more income for Hurricane Katrina donations than she could personally give on her own.

Roz says... why not capitalize on what already is. She says... "more people flock to the site during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur than any other time of the year.

Roz Fruchtman is a New York City, Digital Artist. She is the designer and owner of an online Judaic eCards Club, Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings

Generate Donations for Hurricane Katrina Victims/Survivors — Roz plans to help Hurricane Katrina victims by using the Jewish faith's busiest time of year at her Judaic eCards website to generate more income than she could personally give. The donations will be sent to the Feed The Children Network.

Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings Club
Judaic eCards for "Busy" People

During the period September 3, 2005 up to and including October 3, 2005

By donating $1.75 from each and every eCard Club Membership. This includes:

  • New Judaic eCards Club memberships
  • Renewal Judaic eCards Club memberships
  • 3-month Judaic eCards Club memberships
  • 6-month Judaic eCards Club memberships
  • Annual Judaic eCards Club memberships
All Judaic eCards Club Subscriptions — Roz's plan is to use all Judaic eCard Club subscriptions to generate income to donate to the Hurricane Katrina Survivors

Roz urges everyone offering a digital product or service to use these skills to generate income for Hurricane Katrina survivors. There is no work to be done as the work has already been done. In essence: "Do what you do! Use what you know!" to generate these donations.

For further information Roz can be reached at:
Roz Fruchtman
Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings
SHORT CUT URL: http://www.JudaicEcards.com
Voice: 718-671-1891

Posted by Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com

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