Roz View: Cheap-er is "NOT" Always Better...
Thursday I purchased three Trisonic 25-Foot Modular Coil Phone Cords for my three phones - TS-625. This is the "curly" cord that goes from the phone to the receiver.
I asked in the store... "IF I buy them can I bring them back if they do not work." I was told I could not. Stupid me purchased them anyway! Can't blame anyone for stupidity! (I made this purchase in the Dollar Store on Litig Avenue.
I installed two of them on two different phones. So far one works, the second does not. What happens is that when talking the two people on the line cannot hear each other as the modular click is NOT tight in the phone jack. There is "wiggle" room so to speak!
I stalled the third wire on the phone with the problem and so far it works fine.
I called which clearly displays their contact information on their website. They were receptive to the fact to tell me to take it back to the store, which is the proper thing to do. Only the store had told me that I could not return it. He then told me that I would have to send it back to him for them to replace it, which is also the proper thing to do, but... it would COST ME MORE to send it back than to just trash it and use it as a learning experience.
My point in writing this is TO EDUCATE anyone reading it to NOT buy cheap phone cords. IF you do, make sure you can return them, but in the end it will cost you more in time and effort than it is worth, so it is a good idea to bite the bullet and buy phone cords from the big guys like AT&T and the like. My At&T cords lasted me more years than I can count. They broke of "old age" and nothing more!
To be fair, I will try and contact the Dollar Store and ask if I can return/exchange the defective phone cord on my next trip over there. I do remember her saying though that IF I opened it I could not. As the Trisonic representative said: "You had to open it to see if it worked!"
Posted by Roz Fruchtman /