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Roz Says: Personal Skills Can Generate Donations for Hurricane Katrina Victims...

A few days ago I received an email from a marketer. He has a product that he was offering for sale at a discounted rate of $99. He was prepared to donate $50 of the $99 discounted rate to the Katrina victims. (I saw nothing wrong with this!)

The next day I received another email from the same person saying who he received some really negative responses and he was withdrawing his offer, but that the money he had already collected would be donated as promised. From the tone of his email you could tell he was totally shattered as his heart had been/was really in the right place. (When these things happen people feel helpless and look for a way to help in any way they can. Most of us only have our skills to offer as we do not have large amounts of money and some are barely making ends meet.)

That evening I received yet another email from him thanking those who wrote in support and response to what he was prepared to do. He was re-energized to once again offer the product, but this time he would donate the ENTIRE $99 to the Katrina victims.

I felt deep compassion for him as I had tried something on a much smaller scale last year and got a similar negative response. It IS extremely disheartening when you REALLY did/do want to help.

In any case he said something interesting and it inspired me to start a campaign to help as well. I made up my mind this time I don't care what the nay sayers have to say. I know my heart is pure and in the right place.

He said how it would not cost those offering virtual products anything to help, even if they donated a portion of what they earned as the product was already done and it would be offered over the Internet.

This said, I set up a month's campaign to donate $1.75 from EACH and EVERY eCard Membership I sold during the period from September 3, 2005 until and including October 3, 2005 at:

Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings Club
URL: http://www.graphicsschmaphicsexclusive.com
SHORT CUT URL: http://www.JudaicEcards.com

With Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (the Jewish New Year / High Holy Days) right around the corner, this is the site's busiest time for sending Judaic eCards and Greetings. My hope is that I will be able to make a tiny difference because of the coincidental timing.

There is a JOIN BUTTON/sign up at the top of each and every page of the Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings website. There are NO SPECIAL links as ALL memberships are included whether:
  • new memberships
  • renewal memberships
  • 3-month memberships
  • 6-month memberships
  • annual memberships
IF everyone offering virtual products would help, imagine what could be done. We are small individuals and not big corporations, but IF we all stick together we can make a difference. It costs us nothing to use our skills, but the payoff to the recipients is priceless.

So to the nay sayers I would say: "And What Are YOU Doing to Help!"

The money will be donated to the Larry's Jones Feed The Children network.

NOTE: To those wondering why I chose the peculiar amount of $1.75 to be donated from each membership, it started when I received an email about hot meals being delivered at the rate of $1.75 each. I chose that amount for that reason. Going back later I think I got which place did what mixed up, but decided to keep the $1.75 as it is still more than 10% of my most expensive membership which is $16.95 for 12 months of unlimited eCard sending and even more than 10% after the fees are deducted from the sale. I am proud and more than a little thrilled to have a skill that I can use to raise money for the victims. No matter how little, everything counts!

Posted by Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com
Digital Artist / Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greetings