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ROZ SAYS: Checking New Applicances, Before...

I have a really bad habit of buying new items and then letting them sit for — sometimes — a really long time. (IF there is an analyst out there, I would like to hear an analogy on this oddity!)

My latest adventure was when I tried to hook up the JVC CD/DVD player I purchased two years ago this coming November. You heard it right!

Yesterday I decided to set it up. Imagine my surprise when it did not sit flat on the top of my old-fashioned console TV. This was a first for me! Who would ever think this could even happen!

It seems that my TV top is not flat. We tried the system in/on different places/surfaces and it sat perfectly flat. IF there was something wrong with it, it would wobble no matter where it was. Even I... realized that!

Now if I had set this up when I first brought it home, I would undoubltely had returned it and found out that it was the television IF the second one did the same things. What is even more mystifying is that my VCR sits perfectly flat on the same surface. Could it be because the VCR is so much heavier in weight? The CD/DVD is as light as a feather. I kid you not, the system is unbelievable light.

IF... you think this sounds nutty, imagine how nutty I felt when it happened!

I remedied the problem by folding a business card and placing it under one of the system's feet.