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Roz View: Virus Invasion - Dell To The Rescue...

After all these years on the web, I suppose I was lucky to have escaped this long without catching a killer virus. A month ago my luck ran out when I my computer was invaded beyond repair. You would think people had better things to do with themselves than create havoc in other people's lives.

This said... in the end it was a blessing that it did NOT attack my main computer where my life's work resides. My laptop did not contain much data and I was able to back it up before trashing everything. What a learning experience this turned out to be!

I spent the better part of Monday evening with Dell technicians reformatting my hard drive and reinstalling my Operating System. Considering how bad it could have been, it was a true blessing. I got two excellent Dell technicians located in the Philippines.

They made appointments to call me back and so they did. I will admit I was leery as I have not had the best of experience as of late with Dell's tech support ot anything else from them since they started outsourcing. I am hoping times are changing as I have had better experiences the last few times I called them.

Way to go Dell!