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Roz View: Memorial Day — 911 Tribute / We Will Never Forget

In Tribute To, And In Memory of...

the 911 World Trade Center Disaster,
the attack on our Nation's Capitol,
and those who lost their lives in a small field in Pennsylvania

It is "my belief," Memorial Day is not only to remember and honor those who lost their lives in wartime, but all lost lives and all those left behind to carry on.

Since September 11, 2001, that fateful day when we were unmercifully attacked and almost 3000 people lost their lives in one swoop, I do what I can, when I can... to pay tribute to those who were lost, those who were left behind to pick up the pieces of their lives and move on, and the rest of us who are lucky enough to still be here. This Memorial Day is no different!

While it seems small in comparison to the enormity of what happened... during my period of healing I discovered my flair for digital art and design.

Before 911, I was dabbling with my new found skills and talent, however, it was only after 911 when I discovered my art was motivated and dominated by my deep emotional feelings for everyday life's happenings, unfortunate catastrophes, compassion for others, and my own insecurities as well as accomplishments. I discovered I was not unique, IF I was experiencing certain feelings, so were others, or they would, or knew/know someone who would or did. This inspired me to move on and is a continual source of joy and feelings of gratefulness! Since then I learned to embrace this gift and use it whenever, where ever and for whatever reason I can.

AS AN ASIDE: A few days after the attack on the World Trade Center, in order for me to give something back — how small it seems in comparison to what others gave — and to get me through the early feelings of shock, pain, and devastation I put together a small tribute of eCards.
