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FREE Teleseminars -- AnnieJenningsPR.com's “Three in One”

And you thought you saw it all, NEVER with AnnieJenningPR.com This week...
AnnieJenningsPR.com is offering... NOT one, NOT two, but THREE FREE Teleseminars in One Week! Hang on to your virtual hats...

Here we go...

TELESEMINAR ONE: Tuesday, April 26th

"Insider Secrets For Finding A Literary Agent" with Award-winning Freelance Writer & Consultant Sarah Wernick, Ph.D. (Sarah is a repeat visitor at AnnieJenningsPr.com)

Tuesday, April 26th
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern
(10:00 AM PT, 11:00 AM MT, 12N CT)

If you're trying to sell a book to a large publisher - whether it's fiction or non-fiction - landing an agent is a necessary first step. These days, most publishers won't look at an unsolicited manuscript unless it's been submitted by an agent. But finding a literary agent can be almost as tough as finding a publisher. Agents reject about 99% of the submissions they receive. How can you make it into the other 1%?

Sarah Wernick will tell you exactly what it takes:

  • The one thing that every agent looks for in a new client
  • How to find agents who are open to new writers
  • Three ways to guarantee that an agent (not a junior assistant) will read your query letter
  • How to approach agents so that you don't wait months for a response
  • Red flags that warn an agent is not legit
Sign up at http://www.anniejenningspr.com/teleseminars.htm

TELESEMINAR TWO: Wednesday, April 27th

OPEN MIKE: Share A Resource (Or Two) With Fellow Teleseminar Attendees.

All new format so we can interact with each other and share our best kept secrets in software, technology and lots more. This is your chance to share!

Wednesday, April 27th
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern
(10:00 AM PT, 11:00 AM MT, 12N CT)

SOMETHING NEW! Inspired by our teleseminar members (thank you!) we are pleased to present our first OPEN MIKE teleseminar where teleseminar attendees are invited to share your best secrets with all of us and we have an open conversation with teleseminar attendees. You can share tips, strategies, technical resources that you have used that have brought your knowledge and experiences to the next level. Some ideas on what you can share include:

  • Great web sites we should all know about
  • Your best software secrets, shortcuts, features, tricks of the trade
  • New technology that is working for you
  • Your experience with Blogs and RSS
  • Tips to make our technology work better
  • Good software for getting rid of spys
  • Things that will make our lives easier and more productive
  • Things to beware of on the Internet & lots more!
Bring your best info and share it with the group. Together we stand stronger!

IMPORTANT CALLING INSTRUCTIONS: Because we are NOT going into lecture mode during the teleseminar please call in from a land line only. The bridge line company reports that interference, echoes and static is caused from head sets, cell phones and portable phones. Please do not put the teleseminar on hold if you have music playing when on hold as we will hear that too. Thanks for your support!

Sign up at http://www.anniejenningspr.com/teleseminars.htm

TELESEMINAR THREE: Friday, April 29th
It's A Jungle Out There! New Competitive Marketing Strategies: Make A Huge Marketing Splash With The Latest In Technology with Experts, Christine Madsen and David Andrade.

Friday, April 29th
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern
(10:00 AM PT, 11:00 AM MT, 12N CT)

  • Want to make a huge marketing splash this year both online and off?
  • Curious about the new wave in marketing both online and off?
  • Want to know what your competitors know?
  • Do you know what rich media is and how to use it?
  • Are we headed back to marketing basics? Is what's old new again?
Join interactive media and marketing experts, Christine Madsen of InterMedia and David Andrade of POWERi Technologies for a revealing teleseminar that will launch your business goals and dreams for 2005 and boost you to all new levels of success! Christine and David discuss the newest marketing tools including Rich/Interactive Media (find out what this is and how to use it by signing up for this free teleseminar) as well as tricks of the trade and best-kept secrets of procuring spectacular results for any promotional effort. Join us for the insider scoop usually reserved for the "big boys".

Our experts reveal InterMedia's proprietary "Marketing through the Jungle" model that is delivering phenomenal results to some of the largest companies and operations in the nation!

Top 10 tips for marketing success today using jungle analogy include how to:
  • Be an explorer
  • Be seen and be heard
  • Use a map - how to stay on track regardless of the diversion
  • Seek advice from experts
  • Don't wander off alone
  • Keep moving forward
  • Carry all your tools
  • Be prepared to divert
  • \
  • Be on the lookout for new territories
  • Let them hear you roar
Don't miss the finale! You will learn:

Why sequencing matters (we'll find out what this is)
How to put a sure-fire road map in place
How to walk the walk and leave the talkers behind

Sign up at http://www.anniejenningspr.com/teleseminars.htm
Turn your dreams into your achievements! Join us!

NOTE #1: All (or most) teleseminars are hosted by national radio host and media trainer Tony Trupiano.

NOTE #2: You owe it to yourself to attend all three seminars. They are FREE, except for the phone charges that may occur — depending on your phone carrier.

Set yourself up for success... No matter what your field of expertise... you are guaranteed to come away with valuable information while having fun away from the daily challenges.

Roz / Blog Views By Roz