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Roz View: Press Snaffus — Lemons to Lemonaide in 60 Minutes or Less

In this day and age, with everyone multi- multi- multi-tasking... “Things happen!”

Having experienced a number of Press snafus I would like to share some tips on quick recovery. (Keep in mind this will only work if you have a web presence and have access to it!)

  • If your name, business name or physical business address is incorrect...
    • quickly add the misspelling/inaccuracies to your website
    • Add them to the website title
    • Add them to the Meta Keyword section of the site
    • Quickly resubmit your website to the search engines.

    NOTE: It could take from 12-72 hours for the redirect to show up. In my experience it could happen in much less time, but it's anyone's guess what will really happen as far as this goes as it has to propagate around the Internet. As well... while the domain name makes its way around the web it will become visible to more and more people! Generally it would be good if you could contact someone else to see if they can see your site, even if you cannot.

  • If your website address/website URL is incorrect
    • Run, don't walk to the nearest “domain registrar” and purchase the misspelled/incorrect URL.
    • Point/redirect this URL to your website address — this way when people type in the incorrect URL they will immediately be taken to the proper website.
    • If your web hosting package permits, you can also “Park” the incorrect URL “on-top-of” the correct URL. Here too, when the incorrect URL is typed in, it will take you to the correct domain address.

    NOTE: The same thing applies here as far as propagating around the web!
I would do all of this “before” contacting the Press. In some cases they will do a follow-up with the correct information, however, nine times out of ten it will be too late. You need to do damage control “as soon as you find out” there is a problem! To do any of the above should not take more than about a hour IF you have control over your website and know how to make simple HTML changes.

Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com