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Roz View: Feed The Children — GuidePost's Sweater Project

Sunday morning I caught a "Feed The Children infomercial." It tugs at my heart strings to see so many children starving for what should be their God given right — "A decent meal!

As I was moving about the room, still listening, I caught a few words about the GuidePost Sweater Project. GuidePost collects and donates hand-knitted sweaters to send to underprivileged children. Being a knitter from way back, I was intrigued and quickly took down a few notes in order to Google it when I got online.

If you are interested in volunteering or finding out what the GuidePost Sweater project is all about... Visit:

Guideposts Sweater Project. Here you can read about the project and how it originated, download instructions for two sweaters and find information where to send them when completed.

For more information visit:
Guideposts Sweater Project
c/o Brigitte Weeks
16 East 34 Street
New York, NY 10016

It does my heart good to know... There are other ways to contribute besides giving money — not everyone has extra funds available!

Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com