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Roz View: Joyce Meyer on Larry King 2/17/2005

PERSONAL TESTIMONIAL: Joyce Meyer is one of my favorite TV Pastors. I found Joyce at the time I was working through my very first Tony Robbins program... Get The Edge. I have been a loyal fan ever since. It seems more than coincidence, kind of like a divine intervention takes over as each time I tune in it feels like Joyce is talking directly to me.

Joyce is one of the most caring and generous people I have come across in a very long time — if ever... really! I never saw anyone on TV (or anyplace else) offer teaching materials (or anything else) for a gift of *any* amount.

Normally... IF you do not have the money to pay for something, you just don't get it! It is that simple!

From time to time Joyce Meyer Ministries offers a package of teaching materials for a donation/gift of "any" amount. The first time I heard that, it took a good long time for it to sink in. I just could not believe my good fortunate as I am going through a financial challenge at this time. I am used to not being able to participate IF/when I don't have the money to spare.

I am blessed to say that I have been privileged a few times to have received Joyce Meyer teaching materials for a small donation. It's so small it might as well be free! To me... It was a "blessing from G_d!"

I am pleased to pass on the news that...
Joyce Meyer will be appearing on Larry King Live, Thursday, February 17, at 9:00 PM EST.

I encourage you to watch yourself and tell your friends and relatives about this excellent opportunity to hear the powerful life-changing messages Joyce delivers.

NOTE: While Joyce is a Born Again Pastor, what she shares relates to what most of us go through each and every day — whether we are Christians or not. As a Jewish woman I relate to a lot of what Joyce talks about. I would encourage you to watch her as she is normally To hear Joyce Meyer... Tune in to Larry King Live

Time: 9:00 PM EST
When: Thursday, February 17
Where: CNN

REMEMBER... You can hear Joyce 24/7. She is there in your darkest and brightest moments. Visit Joyce Meyer Ministries http://www.JoyceMeyer.com. There are at least one-month of Joyce's daily teachings on the site. Joyce Meyer is an exceptional individual. I pray that God blesses her and her family every minute of every day. When I count my blessings a staple is Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and Tony Robbins.

Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com


I recently attended a Joyce Meyer Conference in Orlando, Florida and she mentioned she would be appearing on Larry King Live that following Tuesday. I watched on Tuesday and they had the American Idol folks. Then on the internet the date was advertised for February 17th. That again was someone else not Joyce Meyer. Do you know when this interview will really be shown? Thanks!
Dear Sharon: Thank you for dropping by and writing. I thought it was just me. I too watch at the beginning of Thursday evening's Larry King show and show someone else. I had received an email from Joyce Meyer Ministries of the date change and that was when I posted here. At this point I am not sure when she will appear. I wonder if they know at Joyce Meyer Industries why she got bumped yet again. IF/when I find out when she will really appear, I post here. Thanks again and I am sorry for your disappointment, I was truly disappointed as well. Joyce has made a tremendous difference in my life. I also follow Pastor Joel Osteen. Check out his site at: http://www.JoelOsteen.com Joel's broadcast schedule are here: http://www.joelosteen.com/site/PageServer?pagename=BroadcastSchedule IF Joyce should ever come to the New York area I will surely attend with bells on. Roz Roz Fruchtman -- Owner/Designer (mailto:roz@designsbydaybreak.com) GRAPHICS SCHMAPHICS EXCLUSIVE JUDAIC GREETINGS... Judaic eCards for *Busy* People! http://www.graphicsschmaphicsexclusive.com/ (Not just Judaic! But traditional with a Judaic twist!
I love joyce, her teaching has changed my life...What god is doing through her is amazing...its just too much to mention, there arent enough words to express it all..... I forgot to tune in on cnn for the broadcast...and i am trying to get the transcripts of the interview with joyce and larry....
Deborah: Joyce did not appear yet. Check out my entry at: http://www.blogviewsbyroz.com/mt/archives/2005/02/roz_views_updat.html