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FREE TELESEMINAR: Al Lautenslager and Dan Janal

SPECIAL NOTE: I have attended two teleseminars with Al Lautenslager and I can't say enough about his presentation. He is extremely knowledgeable, motivating and very energy provoking. He does not just tell you to do things, but tells you "how" to do them.

On Thursday, February 10, 2005, Gurrella Marketing Specialist, Al Lautenslager, will be a guest of Dan Janal of PR Leads on his monthly teleseminar. This seminar is offered as part of Dan’s Audio of the Month Club, which you can join for a nominal investment.

This one is being offered to you at no cost as Al Lautenslager's guest.

Dan and Al will discuss how Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days came to be, the publishing process along the way, pros and cons of self publishing and traditional publishing and all related marketing tips on how to sell more books. Sure it will have a PR slant to it and a slant of book marketing. That is Dan’s expertise and an expert he is. Even if you don’t have a book yet, the marketing alone will help you with your business, practice, speaking or publishing project.

This teleseminar, entitled, Guerrilla Book Publishing and Marketing will be Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. EST, 1:00 p.m. CST, 11:00 a.m. PST. Please check your time zone accordingly.

To sign up, at no charge visit this link and enter your information. You will then receive the dial in number and pin: https://www.mcssl.com/app/javanof.asp?merchantid=21259&productid=2181099&IP=319.480.295.118&qty=&afid=

Remember... Thursday, February 10, 2005, 2:00 EST, no charge for you. Sign up today. I know his bridge line is limited so as to hold just those that are truly interested in the advancement of their revenue, projects and profit.

About Dan:

Dan has helped more than 1,000 authors and experts get publicity (including me) with his PR LEADS service which is the fastest, easiest and least expensive way to get the publicity you deserve in major newspapers and magazines. Every day, Dan gets more than 100 requests from reporters who desperately need to interview experts just like you. When you join the service for only $99 a month, you get access to those reporters. Plus Dan will personally train you on how to respond effectively so you get quoted! PR LEADS clients have appeared in USA TODAY, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal as well as Parents, Glamour and Cosmopolitan.

Visit his website at http://www.prleads.com You already know me but just in case you can visit www.market-for-profits.com and search around or google me. Please try to make it. Its free!

Al Lautenslager
Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach

For two free chapters, visit: