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ROZ VIEW: WebPosition Gold / Platinum

Sometimes I just can't contain my excitement when I use WebPosition Gold and it just does exactly “what I need,” “when I need it” — RIGHT NOW / YESTERDAY!!! This alleviates all the stress, frustration and time wasted from days of old. The memories of the all nighters with limited success in completing submissions are still vivid in my mind's eye! I just had to share this “right now!” A more indepth review will follow shortly...

To me... WebPosition Gold and/or Platinum is the best thing since sliced bread... even more of a comparison would be to “breathing” when it comes to Search Engine Submission. This might seem a bit dramatic, however, IF you have ever hand submitted your web pages and/or web sites to the search engines you know what I mean. The memories of the all nighters filling out endless multiple forms and the endless submitting are still very vivid to me. (I realize I may be repeating myself, however, it IS deliberate... I cannot say this often enough as it was that distasteful — at least to me!)

Quite simply... I just made a major change on two of my pages and in a few minutes (less than 5) I was able to resubmit the pages to all the engines accommodated within the program! True... it “could possibly” take some time for them to be reindexed, however, I highly doubt that since the pages are already in the engines. But... even if they did have to wait for the spiders to surf on over, the time I saved by submitting via WebPosition saved me hours/days of wasting my precious time.

NEVER FORGET: WebPosition Gold is NOT magic. One MUST still optimize their web pages /web sites to be “search-engine friendly,” but... IF your pages are setup correctly, it IS only a matter of time before the floodgates of visitors will come pouring in.

Please remember, this is just a brief intro. Don't take my word for it...

Try out WebPosition for yourself.
Download your very own FREE 30-Day Trial copy of
WebPosition Gold / WebPosition Platinum at:
FREE 30-Day Trial copy of WebPosition Gold or Platinum


Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com