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TELESEMINAR REMINDER - 1/19/05 - FREE Anthony Robbins Telesemnar

You owe it to yourself and everyone you come in contact with to attend the FREE Anthony Robbins “Live” Teleseminar and/or simultaneous Web Seminar this afternoon, January 19, 2005.

Check out my entry for January 14, 2005 at:
for full details.

Don't let this opportunity to get focused for the year 2005 (and the rest of your life) get away!

If you know anything about Tony Robbins you know that he not only tells you what you need to do, he “SHOWS you and PROVIDES the tools.” There is no guessing with Tony Robbins, “what you see is what you get!”

Most people tell you, you should do this, you should do that. That's all well and good IF you know how to do it. With Anthony Robbins one NEVER needs to guess. Tony lays it all out for you and all you need to do is figure out how it relates to your own personal situation. YOU just NEED to follow along step-by-step!

These days, with all the competition there is nothing magical to getting ahead. It is hard work, dedication and the willingness to “Do Whatever IS Necessary” to make your dreams come true! (I live with my own fears — daily — so this is not just lip service!) Whether you are spiritual or not, consider this FREE Anthony Robbins teleseminar a gift and a true blessing! Unfortunately, in this life there are “very few” who will help you get ahead, Tony Robbins is the “exception” to that rule! He even provides a TOLL-FREE phone number to attend. ALL YOU NEED is to “GET YOURSELF” there! What are you waiting for!

Tell everyone you know! This seminar is a “MUST ATTEND” event!

Check out my entry for January 14, 2005 at:
for full details.

See you there!

Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com