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Joel Osten: My Sunday Morning Shot of Spirituality

Sunday morning is like a shot of spirituality for me as I listen to Pastor Joel Osteen http://www.JoelOsteen.com on TV. I have actually taken to following him from channel to channel for about two hours. By the time I get done, I have heard his sermon at the least three or four times. As if this were not enough, I haven taken to taping the sermons on a hand-held taperecorder so that I may listen to it over and over again as I need encouragement and support. As crazy as this sounds, it works! I have learned, in this life we have to depend on ourselves to provide our joy, we can't depend on others to make us happy! I have learned to provide the joy and encouragement I need for myself and not depend on others to do it for me. This way... there is never any disappointment -- or hardly ever!

Today Joel spoke about not letting others steal our joy. He talked about making a conscious decision to not let anything, no matter what steal our joy and prevent us from being happy. Considering I used to be the type of person who let other's behavior dictate how I felt this was a sermon that really hit home. While I won't say I never get upset — afterall I am a human being — I will say that I have learned to NOT stay upset. I can usually catch myself before I am not too far along. In today's sermon Joel reminded me to keep on keeping on.

Check out Pastor Osteen at: http://www.JoelOsteen.com. Go here to check and see if Joel is on a TV Station near you. Click on your state in the map and the TV listing will appear on the bottom of the page.

Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com