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Happy New Year from NAPP

The piece below is quoted from the NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) Member Newsletter. NAPP has made such a big difference in my own life, I jump at any opportunity to help spread the word whenever possible!
  — Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com

<——— BEGIN QUOTE NAPP Member Newsletter ———>

New Year Message from NAPP Director

Dear NAPP Members,

The entire NAPP staff hopes you and your families had a wonderful Holiday Season and New Year. As we get in gear for another great year, we'd like to quickly run down some of the more significant events of last year that added value to your membership.

In 2004, NAPP:
  • Added video tutorials to the member website
  • Sponsored free Photoshop CS Summits throughout the U.S.
  • Offered Continuing Education credits at Photoshop World Conferences and Photoshop Seminar Tour classes
  • Rolled-out a new Membership Card and Certificate of Membership
  • Produced the new Photoshop Creativity Tour seminar featuring Bert Monroy
  • Launched a new public NAPP Gallery to post your image portfolio
  • Re-launched a new NAPP members-only website with improved functionality
  • Added the weekly NAPP Radio program to the website
In 2005, NAPP has big plans with many new projects on the way such as:
  • Offering online training
  • Introducing a product review system using member ratings
  • Adding more advanced content in the magazine and in website tutorials
  • Traveling to England and Canada with the Photoshop Seminar Tour
  • Expanding the vendor discount program to help you save money
  • Introducing more training DVDs in response to numerous requests
As we enter our seventh year, the educational value of and money saving opportunities from a NAPP membership continues to increase though the price of membership hasn't, and I'm happy to report there are no plans to increase the price of membership in 2005.

This year, our goal is to continue to enhance NAPP membership and your involvement is critical to our success. Many of the changes made last year were a direct result of your feedback, so please continue to share your suggestions with us, and look for more great things from the NAPP this year. We're glad you'll be a part of it all.

Best regards,
Jeff Kelby, NAPP Director

<——— END QUOTE NAPP Member Newsletter ———>
Should you decide to join NAPP, please tell them I sent you! (Rosalind — Roz — Fruchtman)