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FREE Telesemnars: “If we listen, it is there!”

ROZ VIEWS: In this life, nothing is given or coming to us, so we have to be clever and alert to all the opportunities we are presented with. For this reason, I have learned that information is all around us — no matter where we are or who we are talking to. “IF we listen, it is there!”

My “unlimited long distance telephone package” affords me the luxury of attending as many teleseminars as I have time for. I have found this most educational and a fabulous way to network and share information with others. I have found... “even if” the subject is not exactly in my focus area there is always some gem (of information) tucked away in the conversation.

My new slogan for 2005: “If we listen, it is there!”

Roz Fruchtman / BlogViewsByRoz.com