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FREE Teleseminar / Web Seminar — With Tony Robbins (Wed. 1/19/2005)

PERSONAL TESTIMONIAL: I am delighted that Tony Robbins will be hosting this web chat himself. I plan to be there with bells on!

Personally... I have completed his “Get The Edge,” “Personal Power II” and “Time of Your Life!” I consider myself “a work in progress” so will be redoing “Time of Your Life” next week. It took me almost until the end of the program to figure out how to fix my life. NOT because Tony did not tell me how, but... because it took me years to get myself into the mess I am in and I could not even imagine how to fix it!” NOW... I know, thanks to Anthony Robbins! What is left IS... FOR ME to... DO IT! (Tony has done for me what no one else would. He helped me to get my life back — via his tools and his kindness and generosity in sending me a “complimentary” pass to his “Unleash The Power Within” at the Meadowlands in New Jersey in November 2003. I will be forever grateful and will do whatever I can to help others as he helped me! Thank You Tony! — Roz Fruchtman/NYC

from Anthony Robbins Foundation

WHAT: LIVE Web Chat Session “WITH” Anthony Robbins
WHEN: Wednesday, January 19, 2005
TIME: 5:30 EST / 2:30 PM PST
PRESENTER: Tony Robbins
SEMINAR TITLE: New Year New Life

PHONE INFORMATION You also can join Tony by phone at the time of the seminar by dialing 866.322.0305. (This phone number will only be active for the live chat.)

There will be an encore presentation:

WHEN: Thursday, January 20, 2005
TIME: 2:30 PM EST — NOTE: This presesntation is NOT available by phone! Registration IS STILL required!

DO NOT FORGET to... Mark your calendar now and be sure to attend.

PLEASE NOTE: The Anthony Robbins Live Web Chats require the installation of the MACROMEDIA FLASH 6 PLAYER. Please check in at http://www.anthonyrobbins.com/januarychat and click on 'Check Flash 6' to verify your installation of the player. It is “highly recommended” you do this “before” the chat date to be sure that you don't miss the beginning of the event.

  • The web-chats will include about 15 - 30 minutes of live audio broadcasting plus 30 minutes of live Q&A.
  • You will have the opportunity to submit your questions to the speaker, live.
  • Don't worry if you miss the original call! The audio broadcasts and web-chats will be archived and available to you on-line immediately following the original broadcasts and for at least 3 months after.
NOTE: Last year I did the phone call. I do not rememer if I tried to log on, but I did not want to miss even one word. My recommendation would be, IF you have a phone, call and then worry about the web. It's too important to not get on at the beginning because you have problems connecting.
QUESTIONS? Call your personal account representative at (800) 898-8669 or International 001 (858) 535-6189 *Tax strategies are valid in the U.S. only. Web chats are in English only.

The FLASH 6 PLAYER can be downloaded from here:

The Anthony Robbins Companies
9888 Carroll Centre Road, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92126