REVIEW: Emotionally Connected Websites - Revisited...
I just attended a fantastic teleseminar hosted by
Annie's guest was Philippa Gamse, who is a consultant and professional speaker on eBusiness and Website strategy. She helps companies, small businesses and nonprofit organizations to maximize their return on investment in their Internet presence. She is a Certified Management Consultant, a designation earned by less than one percent of professionals.
While using teleseminar attendees websites as models, Philippa gave a smashing rundown of the features needed to emotionally connect with your visitors from the first moment they arrive at your web site.
It was so fun that the hour sped by without notice. I made sure I did *70 before dialing up to ensure not being interrupted.
Philippa Gamse is absolutely a gem and a very intriguing, entertaining lady. As she spoke and showed us example web sites, I furiously wrote and took notes for my own web site's enhancement.
Philippa thank you! You are great! My only regret was that I was not one of the chosen few to have been privileged with your expertise and evaluation. But, it's never too late, you can visit my site at:
In my opinion Philippa Gamse is one of Annie's most interesting guests. I have attended three of her seminars to date and plan on attending as many more as I am available for. I repeat... “If you are already on the web or are thinking of making a debut, Philippa Gamse is a lady “not to be missed!”
Visit Philippa at: