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The Vote — Who Is Our President?

NOTE: I am writing this entry as a US "Voting" Citizen. Who I voted for is irrelevant and will remain private! No matter what... (whether I liked it or not) I would feel the same way no matter who was the prospective winner!

Can you believe it? It's 6:00AM Wednesday morning, November 3, 2004 and we... Still do not know who the new President is!

While I can understand why President Bush is frustrated and ansy to claim victory, I can also understand why John Carey and John Edwards want all the votes to be counted. In fact, I would be more than a little disappointed if all the votes were not counted! What would be the point of voting if our vote does not count? I for one would be disillusioned and more than a little disenchanted to vote in the next election.

I consider the right to vote a privilege, but one that seems to be challenged in the Presidential elections. There is something wrong with this picture! Perhaps if Senator Carey gets elected he will do something about this. No one else has! (You would think that something would have been done after the fiasco in Florida in 2000 with the "pregnant and hanging chads!"

In Ohio and other places it was important enough for people to stand in line for hours for the privilege of voting. They filled out what is called "Provisional" ballots. Now... there is a chance for those ballots not to be counted. If our ballots are not counted what is the point of voting. In my opinion this is disgusting and an insult to those of us who voted!

Oh... wait, it is not only Provisional Ballots, but Absentee Ballots in Ohio! I agree with Senator Carey... after all of this... he "does" owe it to his constituents, AND... to himself to have ALL the votes counted!

Last I heard John Edwards said: "Every vote would count and every vote would be counted!"