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TO JOIN: mailto:Photoshop-Haven-Subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Photoshop-Haven is a professional discussion *User Group* run by Roz Fruchtman. However, one *does not* have to use the program professionally to be a member. (After all… “we” were all novices when we began! And… each time we learn something new, *we are again!*)

Photoshop-Haven caters to the discussion of Adobe Photoshop, it's plugins, and all aspects of digital design, image creation and image protection. We bring the novice and seasoned professional together to share ideas and become more proficient using this dynamic program.

Roz Fruchtman says: *I have learned... Art can be found anyplace, anytime! I have seen the ugliest photograph/image turned into a magnificent original work of art/design using — the proper —- plugin filters!* What is proper? That is the decision of the artist!

The *only* limits in designing digital or printed art are those limits one places upon themselves.

Photoshop-Haven was created August 2001 by Roz Fruchtman to provide an artistic and educational Haven for Adobe Photoshop users *of all levels.* To date the group is 4200 members strong. Won't you join us!

TO JOIN: mailto:Photoshop-Haven-Subscribe@yahoogroups.com

For Questions / Information Contact: Roz Fruchtman at: