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Happy Holidays — From Tony Robbins

Just when I needed it most, I got a Holiday Message from Tony Robbins / The Anthony Robbins Foundation. While I am familiar with the way Tony does things, I felt it was so powerful I wanted to share it with you as well.

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Holiday Wishes from Tony Robbins

NOTE: None of this is rocket science, but sometimes we get caught up in our own world and forget those around us — far and near — who might need a little tender loving care (or a “Thank You”). It is so little, and means so much!

As well, we sometimes forget the moments in our own lives which meant so much. Revisiting them sometimes brings back the glow and warmth we felt! (While I won't be sharing it, I am going to sit down and go back over the past year and write down all those moments that meant so much to me. There were some that changed my life forever!)