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Day #7 of Grateful

What is this all about — My Objective

Day #1 of Grateful

Day #2 of Grateful

Day #3 of Grateful

Day #4 of Grateful

Day #5 of Grateful

Day #6 of Grateful

This will be short, but the accomplishment was monumental in my book as I have been struggling with this for more time than I would like to admit — even to myself! The point is, I did “not” let myself down, and that means a great deal to me!
  • I am grateful that I got through Day #1 of Anthony Robbins “Time Of Your Life” series. This program concentrates on Time Management issues which are a major problem for me.

    There are 10 tapes, each 90 minutes in length. It has been hard to find a chunk of time — 90 minutes long — where I can sit and listen all in one session. I am used to multitasking and listening while I do other things, then taking the time to do the assignment(s) after I complete the CD/tape. These tapes are different and there are exercises to be done in the middle of the tapes (at least some of them). Try schlepping a journal along for a walk and then writing intermittently while walking. It's impossible, to say the least, and even it were not it is disruptive to the continuity of the session!

    Anyway... I did get through Tape #1 and then sat and wrote my little heart out — 11 single pages worth. Tony always says the exercises take about 10-15 minutes. I have yet to find this true — at least for me! I am painfully honest with myself and I just let everything hang out. I feel the same way I do when I go to the doctor. IF... I want the doctor to help me, I have to be honest as to why I am there! IF I can't be honest with myself, then who can I be honest with!
So that's it for today! While this may not seem like such an accomplishment in the scheme of things, it is! I have tried this a few times already and never completed it for the reasons I stated above — the length of time and the intermittent/interactive assignments. So... today I started from Day #1 all over again. However, it was productive as I knew what it was about and I have been “more” aware of the issues I “want” to work on.

Now I am off for a very short walk as it will be dark in about 50 minutes.

I hope you are enjoying yourself as well. This was a most productive weekend and it was fun as I did a load of designing, both yesterday and today.

Please come back tomorrow for Day #8 of Grateful!