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Day #4 of Grateful

What is this all about — My Objective

Day #1 of Grateful

Day #2 of Grateful

Day #3 of Grateful

This one will be quick and easy — maybe easy, but not so quick!
  • I am grateful that the voting fiasco is over — for another four years — and we can all go back to our lives as we knew it. Whether we are happy or sad, we are Americans first and it is our way to pull together and back our President and our country! I found this event more than a little disconcerting!
  • I am grateful I live in a country where we have the choice/opportunity to vote our politicians in! (No matter what... this is much better than the alternative! Think about it!)
  • I am grateful I was able to help a friend/colleague with a project today. It is/was my way of giving back for all she does/has done for me throughout the years! It was my pleasure to be able to do it in a meaningful way!
  • I am grateful for receiving a phone call today from someone I met this past summer at an industry event — for a possible project!
  • Let me not forget... In the middle of the night — when I could not sleep — while watching the election news I was doodling and worked up another bunch of designs for my Judaic eCard Club web site. Not bad for a non-paper and pencil artist!
As you can see... if you look hard enough you can find all sorts of things to be grateful for — at any given time of day or night. When things are the dreariest choose the fundamentals... Refocus and be grateful for your life and the opportunity to start over! You have not failed IF you learned something! You now know what does not work! (Generally my grateful list is between 20-30 items, and yes... sometimes it is very hard to do! But, by the time I get done I feel like a very rich woman! I WANT YOU to feel that way to! That is why I am doing this!)

NOTE: The last week or so I am having my own troubles doing my list each morning. As much as I hate to admit it, it is either that I am coming down with something, or am having an early bout with the “Holiday Blahs.” A trick I learned from Anthony Robbins, the Peak Performance Coach is:

If you cannot come up with anything to be grateful or proud or excited about (or anything else you ask yourself) CHANGE the words to be something like this:

What am I grateful for today?

What “could” I be grateful for today?

It changes the mood of the question and you will find you have a lot to list and/or write down. (As silly as it sounds, it works!) By the time you get through you feel “very” differently about things!

Please come back tomorrow for Day #5 of Grateful!