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November 01, 2004

Day #2 of Grateful

As you read the things I am grateful for each day, you will begin to see it does not take much to make me happy. I have learned that big things grow from the smaller things in life!

On Monday after posting the entry “Day #1 of Grateful” my day began to go downhill quickly. However, through much perseverance on my part, in a few hours it took an uphill turn and things worked out in the end. So I now have two additional things to be grateful for!

I realize some of this seems silly, but in the big picture it is all important. For example:
As I told you... it does not take much to make me happy!

Normally these four items would be added to a much longer list that I do each morning. As much as I want to share, some of it is very personal!

NOTE: If you just dropped in and have no idea what this is all about, please read my objective.

Come back tomorrow for Day #3 of Grateful!

Posted by roz at November 1, 2004 08:05 PM


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