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Day #1 of Grateful

What is this all about — My Objective

For some the holidays are often a time of sadness, melancholy and devastation. My mission is to demonstrate how looking within and being grateful could change this to a time of enjoyment, fun and looking toward the future with wonderment and great expectation.

While this little project could turn into a depressing chore, I am determined to make it fun and upbeat... So let's get going!

Each morning... I have learned to start my day by counting my blessings and concentrating on those things for which I am grateful. It creates a feeling of richness, pride and success — and the power to push on to the day's challenges. AND... “It's FREE!”

For each of the next 25 days — until Thanksgiving — I will be sharing at least one reason I am grateful. Hopefully this will help others discover the peace I have found. I challenge you to make a list of your own! On a “challenging” (note, I did not say bad) day I can come up with at least 15-20. I just do the fundamentals (Fundamentals are those things that I give thanks for each day no matter what!).

NOTE: It is not always easy to do this. There are some mornings I get up and say: “What am I grateful for?” I respond: “Nothing!” My next question is: “What - could I - be grateful for?” Then I begin to dig deep within. By the time I get done I feel rich and blessed beyond words!

  • I am grateful for being alive and above ground -- no one ever came back and said how great it is on the other side. Besides being alive enables me an “another opportunity” to follow my dreams, make my life mean something and perhaps make a difference and help someone else.
  • I am grateful for having food on my table
  • I am grateful for having a roof over my head
  • I am grateful to have been able to pay my bills last month
  • I am grateful for being relatively healthy
  • I am grateful for my strength and determination in not giving up, even under the worst circumstances and in the worst of times.
Ok... that's six! See how easy it is!

Come back tomorrow for Day #2 of Grateful!