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Day #14 of Grateful

What is this all about — My Objective

Day #1 of Grateful

Day #2 of Grateful

Day #3 of Grateful

Day #4 of Grateful

Day #5 of Grateful

Day #6 of Grateful

Day #7 of Grateful

Day #8 of Grateful

Day #9 of Grateful

Day #10 of Grateful

Day #11 of Grateful

Day #12 of Grateful

Day #13 of Grateful

Today I was blessed to open my eyes to a sermon from Pastor Joel Osteen on one of the Cable TV stations. Joel's message hit home like an arrow shot straight to my heart.

Joel talked about "visualizing" the life we want for ourselves.

(paraphrasing) — He said we must "visual" our dreams, hopes and desires "BEFORE" we receive them — thus having something to keep reaching for. Years ago... Someone I had little faith in told me: "If you cannot see it, it will not happen!" Unfortunately at the time I was going through a lot of inner turmoil and doubt, and was not blessed with that type of vision. Today's message hit home and gave me the inspiration to move ahead with a vision for two projects I have been fearful to reach out for. To enforce Joel's message and keep me motivated and on track, I taped the audio of this show so that I could listen to it over and over.

If you know Joel Osteen and you know me, you may be thinking, "What's a nice Jewish Girl from the Bronx doing listening to a "Born Again Pastor" from Texas. Quite simply, Joel's sermons are based on everyday life and the struggles each and everyone of us experience no matter what ethnicity we are. His sermons are not overly Christian and I benefit from each one I listen to.

I have learned through my own struggles and what "I used to" call failures... very few are willing to help those who are financially challenged. If you can't pay, you don't receive! My belief is and has always been... "G_d helps those who help themselves!" So, I have learned to help myself by accepting help, guidance and inspiration from wherever it comes from. This is one of the trickle-down results from working with the Anthony Robbins programs. I am here to tell you... This type of attitude keeps one encouraged, motivated and on the straight and narrow to fulfill their dreams and passions. (It's easy for others to give advice and tell us what we should do, but NEVER how to do it!)

So today's grateful list includes:
  • I am grateful to be the recipient of a sunny new day.
  • I am grateful to experience life's new opportunities, whether good or bad as each is a learning experience.
  • I am grateful I learned — from Anthony Robbins — that I have "not" failed IF I learned something. If I try something that does not work, then I now know what does not work and I will try something else and keep this up until I receive the result I desire!"
  • I am grateful to have turned on the TV all that time ago to an Anthony Robbins (Tony Robbins) infomercial. Until that day, I had no idea who Tony Robbins was. It seems I was living in a world of my own as everyone else seemed to know who he was!
  • Last, but not least I am grateful to be able to share all of this with you. IF I can help just one person to not suffer as I did, that to me is the biggest contribution I can ever make to anyone. There "IS" help, we just need to find it and accept it from wherever it comes from! REMEMBER... We can't always be choosey from where we receive help — Just be grateful it IS there!
I wish you a blessed day, no matter what you do. Make it fun, productive and joyful. Even resting can be all these things. Put your feet up, watch TV for the day, walk in the park, walk around the block, look at the flowers, smell the fresh air, whatever... I wish you the day you wish for yourself!